I know I've been a terrible slacker.
I have a good excuse (or set of excuses).
I was in Philly all last week - yes in that 20 inches of snow-blizzard-mayhem of the sky situation. AND I still made a trip to my fave wine bar. Even when those pansy-*ss cab drivers refused to come get me to take me back to my hotel. I gave them the proverbial finger and walked myself the 12 blocks (in snowdrifts) back to my room. Independant woman snubs nose at pansy Cab drivers in blizzard. yes!
The Tennessee/Grandpa trip was just Bootcamp for the real thing, let me tell you. Thank God I didn't have to Drive though.
Good book I read on the plane:
"Are you there vodka? It's me Chelsea" by Chelsea HandlerI literally cackled and chuckled my way through the 3 hour flight delay, and the 2 hr flight to ATL from PHL. Yes it's THAT good. READ IT!
ok so I know ya'll miss my recipes and junk
I haven't been cooking much in the last 2 weeks (too busy)
in lieu of a recipe.
My Effing Cookbook Enjoy!