Introducing Spice! Sunday July 18th, a coworker's wife went to church (near Mall of GA area), and she found Spice (who had apparently been abandoned, had no collar or microchip) in the church playground. She brought Spice home, but then her hubby wasn't really excited about having a dog, so they kept her until they could find another home for her. Hung posters up, went to the shelters and all that to hang signs, etc. Nobody ever claimed her.
I saw her photo in an email and I thought she looked a little bit like Sport, and he gets lonely when we are at work, so I decided to see if we could adopt her. Matt and I had her over the July 23rd weekend to see how the dogs got along. And we fell in love with her. So we kept her.
then the following Monday July 26th I took her to the vet for routing checkup and shots, and found out she was pregnant. Since she seems to only have one puppy in utero, it wasn't obvious that she was pregnant to the naked eye - at that point.
The vet said they could take care of it and spay her anyway if I wanted, but I would not feel right about that, so I decided to let nature take its course and potentially keep the puppy. The doctor says she may have 2 puppies, but we could only see 1 on the ultrasound, and she is too small of a dog to have a large litter. 2 max. So, we will see. At this point they told me she was due end of August.
then THIS Wednesday the Vet emailed me that upon going over the tests/xrays, etc they decided she was due August 16th. ha ha! so here we go!
I am just totally besotted with this little dog and her puppy to be, and I know I'm in for an adventure…