I don't think my nerves can take this anymore.
We had our house on the market listed for sale from September to April this year. No offers, so we took it off the market (it's a crappy market anyhoo). We had put about 1/2 or stuff into storage during this timeframe, because we had "Staged" the house professionally.
when we "unlisted" the house, I moved all that stuff back IN and then unpacked. We figured we'd be stuck there a while. and we did love our house so it wasn't a bad situation.
during this last Thursday daytime - (our realtor), called me at work. She said there was a couple who was house-hunting in our neighborhood. They said they loved the neighborhood but were not liking the houses they saw so far. Their realtor (another lady) pulled up our old listing, and they were wanting to know if Matt & I were interested in selling again - and that is why they had contacted our realtor to call us.
I was very much in shock, we couldn't just answer that, we needed to think about it and discuss it first. I was at WORK for heaven's sake. I said we needed to discuss it, could we tell them tomorrow or something?
Then my realtor called me later and said the couple's realtor asked if they could "show" the house to her clients today.
I figured it could not hurt, but only if it was later in the evening, like 6pm. I wanted to get the house cleaned up. I went home by 4pm, and cleaned like a madwoman, and then they came by to see the house promptly at 6pm. They were there for almost 1 hour - and they loved the house!
Matt came home shortly thereafter, and we had a big discussion about it. We do still want to live in-town, and cut our cost of living, but it would all depend on how much the offer was. We finally decided that we would listen to whatever offer they could come up with, but we weren't going to "relist" the house on the market. Our Realtor said if they had a good offer, we could just go straight to contract and not have to relist it. If the offer was crap then we didn't have to sell did we? no.
so …
Friday our realtor calls, she says the couple's realtor informed her that they LOVED our house, and they were scripting the offer right then. We should know something by that evening.
we didn't hear ANYTHING all day Friday, all day Saturday, etc.
So, Matt and I basically proceeded as normal . . .
Sunday - in the middle of the MikamyMeadows Party, our realtor calls me.
She says the couple had narrowed their choices down to 2 houses, and ours was one of the 2. BUT
they put an offer on the OTHER house, and it was immediately accepted.
all of that drama for nothing.
I hate getting my hopes up and then BLAH.
In other news, the MikamyMeadows Party, was a success! It wasn't quite the turnout I was expecting - but we still had about 10 people show up over the day. Also, our dear friend Erika was offering free foot massages - using the Mikamy Meadows Foot products. Everybody partook(is that a word?), and it was a relaxing party. Everybody had a good time!
We had our house on the market listed for sale from September to April this year. No offers, so we took it off the market (it's a crappy market anyhoo). We had put about 1/2 or stuff into storage during this timeframe, because we had "Staged" the house professionally.
when we "unlisted" the house, I moved all that stuff back IN and then unpacked. We figured we'd be stuck there a while. and we did love our house so it wasn't a bad situation.
during this last Thursday daytime - (our realtor), called me at work. She said there was a couple who was house-hunting in our neighborhood. They said they loved the neighborhood but were not liking the houses they saw so far. Their realtor (another lady) pulled up our old listing, and they were wanting to know if Matt & I were interested in selling again - and that is why they had contacted our realtor to call us.
I was very much in shock, we couldn't just answer that, we needed to think about it and discuss it first. I was at WORK for heaven's sake. I said we needed to discuss it, could we tell them tomorrow or something?
Then my realtor called me later and said the couple's realtor asked if they could "show" the house to her clients today.
I figured it could not hurt, but only if it was later in the evening, like 6pm. I wanted to get the house cleaned up. I went home by 4pm, and cleaned like a madwoman, and then they came by to see the house promptly at 6pm. They were there for almost 1 hour - and they loved the house!
Matt came home shortly thereafter, and we had a big discussion about it. We do still want to live in-town, and cut our cost of living, but it would all depend on how much the offer was. We finally decided that we would listen to whatever offer they could come up with, but we weren't going to "relist" the house on the market. Our Realtor said if they had a good offer, we could just go straight to contract and not have to relist it. If the offer was crap then we didn't have to sell did we? no.
so …
Friday our realtor calls, she says the couple's realtor informed her that they LOVED our house, and they were scripting the offer right then. We should know something by that evening.
we didn't hear ANYTHING all day Friday, all day Saturday, etc.
So, Matt and I basically proceeded as normal . . .
Sunday - in the middle of the MikamyMeadows Party, our realtor calls me.
She says the couple had narrowed their choices down to 2 houses, and ours was one of the 2. BUT
they put an offer on the OTHER house, and it was immediately accepted.
all of that drama for nothing.
I hate getting my hopes up and then BLAH.
In other news, the MikamyMeadows Party, was a success! It wasn't quite the turnout I was expecting - but we still had about 10 people show up over the day. Also, our dear friend Erika was offering free foot massages - using the Mikamy Meadows Foot products. Everybody partook(is that a word?), and it was a relaxing party. Everybody had a good time!
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