We've got a slew of Aquarian Birthdays coming up. Thus I'm in party planning mode. My dear hubby turns 35, and several friends are also celebrating too!
Maybe I'm a nut, but one of my FAVE party munchies is chips and hummus or chips and salsa, or chips and dip. I'm a chip-a-holic I think. Trader Joes actually sells HEMP chips with Sesame seeds. I think these are delicious. No mind altering side-effects, but perhaps perfect for an Aquarian bash.
Wine Club - I'm hosting February. Which means I get to PICK the wine. I picked Organic Red Wines with No Sulfites Added. I know I'm becoming a total healthy food freak. Oh well, I just FEEL better when I eat and drink GOOD stuff! GO ORGANIC!
Did anybody see the "racy commercial" that PETA wanted to air for the Superbowl and then NBC said no way? It was a "steamy vegetable" commercial and it says something to the effect of "studies show Vegetarians have better sex" and then it says "GO VEG" - but you know what? I think I might agree. I have a long-time girlfriend who is vegetarian, and she's always talking about how fab her sex life is. I'm sure there's some connection. If your tummy and body are healthy, then the rest follows right? Not saying everybody has to be a VEG but still it's not a horrible idea considering all the preservatives, hormones, etc that goes into our meat. Anyway it was a spiffy commercial from what I saw. Much tamer than that stupid Paris Hilton Carwash thing . . . I'm so-o-o-o over that bimbo.
I've been reading up on Sulfites, and guess what? They can cause Asthma. I am not sure, but perhaps that is why I've been having the asthma lately? Either that or it was that stupid cold getting into my chest. Who knows? We will see when the antibiotic runs its course.
I cannot BELIEVE January is almost over. I'm like WHERE did the time go? whew!
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