What do you do when the slacker gets their way?
What do you do when what is wrong is rewarded?
What do you do when what is right continues to be argued against?
What do you do when everything that is ethical and logical is turned upside down?
What do you do when the bad one never has to pay for their sins? And the good ones always have to clean up the mess?
What do you do when it takes 1.5 yrs for one right thing to be finally put into place? And then it's done half-*ssed instead of correctly?
What do you do when there should be more than enough evidence of what is wrong, and it should be fixed, but nobody f'n does anything about it?
Just because someone preens for the masses, hogs the limelight, and sweet-talks you with lies, doesn't mean they are the one you should listen to. Yet everybody seems to like it.
Can't they see who is working the hardest and who is finding every way not to work at all?
Can't they see through the smoke and mirrors?
Can't they see what it is costing the rest of us?
Can't they see how fed up we are?
Can't they see how this is poisening us?
I wish I could walk away.
I wish I didn't care so much.
I wish I was not even IN this situation.
I have absolutely HAD it.
I'm fed up.
I'm done.
This is the last straw.
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