Last week was nutso.
Absolutely nutso.
I am seriously wondering what's in the water these days! LOL.
I was oncall last week (aka getting paged at all hours of the day or night). Every workday last week I worked through lunch and stayed over 1-2 hours to help keep the work caught up before the next day. Sheesh!
However, the weekend was more relaxed thank goodness.
Friday, we stayed home and had an impromptu screenporchparty with friends. Saturday, Matt and I went to Get Coffee for breakfast (my fave), and we watched Multiplicity with Alex & Gorkem (one of Alex's fave movies). Saturday night, Matt took me out on a "date" and we went to WASABi for some excellent Sushi, and then later an impromptu dessert over at Apres Diem. The Espresso Martini is just delicious.
Later on, I couldn't sleep due to upset tummy (later found to be result of the St Germain), so we stayed up until 4am watching Groundhog Day (one of my favorite movies), and then slept in very late on Sunday. Sunday, we relaxed, played some Wii Sports (I beat Matt at Tennis again!), had a nap, and then watched Thomas Crown Affair 1999- one of my favorite movies. Gorkem hadn't seen it yet, but she enjoyed it. YAY! I also have the 1968 original movie, but have not watched it yet.
Matt's off to a VIP suite to see the Tool Concert tonight. I was the backup person if they couldn't get all the spots filled. VIP suite includes the concert, food, and drinks. Hmm. Should be fun. At the last minute another guy wanted to go, so I am off the hook. Not that I don't want to go, but it's a "school night" and my boss is in town this week (which means I usually have to work later hours), and it sounds like they won't get home until 1-2am (which means less than 5 hrs of sleep for me) and I prefer not to have the hassle. Anyhoo, I hope the gentlemen have a GREAT time! :-D
Finally tracked down a bottle of St. Germain Elderflower Vodka (well I thought it was vodka, but actually it's more like a liquer), and some champagne to make myself a St. Hillaire beverage. It's very tasty and summery. Garnish with strawberry. mmm. However, I soon learned that for some odd reason, this St. Germain stuff totally wipes me out. I feel like I'm having a total sugar crash right after I have any of the stuff. So, I am guessing that means it will be something we go through very slowly.
This week is going to be hectic, and next week I'm off to Philly for work, so I may not be updating the blog for a while.
Have a great rest of July & start of August!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Three Sheets Premiere was awesome! We recorded it on our DVR, but I was still there to watch it live anyway. LOL.
I definitely will have to DVR it in the future though. It's really rough for me to be awake after 10pm and still get to work on time in the morning.
Thoughts. I've got a lot of scattered thoughts right now. Lately both my work and home lives seem absolutely insane. It's like everybody's taking Crazy pills. Of course that usually means it's me that is out of whack right? or is it?
I think I need another vacation and some time to think.
I definitely will have to DVR it in the future though. It's really rough for me to be awake after 10pm and still get to work on time in the morning.
Thoughts. I've got a lot of scattered thoughts right now. Lately both my work and home lives seem absolutely insane. It's like everybody's taking Crazy pills. Of course that usually means it's me that is out of whack right? or is it?
I think I need another vacation and some time to think.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Three Sheets Premiere - TONIGHT
Raise your glass
give a toast
check your channels
I have to boast
Three Sheets is BACK
and tonight's the night
Fine Living Network's where it's at!
10 Eastern, monkey in hand
Zane Lamprey's rockin'
Three Sheets New Zealand!
In other news, although I'm still hacking up a lung and fighting a cough, the house is finally rid of this awful cold/sinus/whatever the hell bug we all had.
Matt had a photo shoot Sunday afternoon and both the model AND the Makeup Artist showed up! YAY!
Our dear White Russian turned 30 yrs old, and we hosted a small gathering at the casa. As it was an unusually cool weekend for Atlanta in July, we had it outside on the deck, with tiki torches lit. I guess it wasn't too cool for mosquitos (nasty little buggers!). James had homemade blueberry cake from the Bulgarians, and Matt and I gave him a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. We had light snacks of strawberries, bing cherries, blueberries, cheese wedges, chips, and salsa (homemade with those weird purple hull peas from the CSA farmer's thingie). Delish!
BTW check out James' website:
Cousin Tara and her family met us for brunch at Atkins Park on Sunday also. In spite of the unlucky battery situation in their vehicle. No worries, it was the kind of day where nothing could make you upset, and we just dealt with and moved on. Sweet! It was a lovely weekend. Sunny, breezy, cooler than normal, oh yes and I got my hair done (it always feels SO good to have freshly colored/styled hair!).
Lastly, my monthly visit to the liquor store, didn't turn up any St. Germaine Elderberry Vodka, or Gran Centenario Rosangel Tequila, but I did find the Asombroso Rose Reposado, and that was good enough for me.
Have a great night with Three Sheets everyone! and may your week be prosperous also!
Victoria's Secret's 70s Jean (IMHO the BEST jeans ever)
are on sale for $19.99 a pair in 3 styles and 5-6 denim shades/hues.
Item numbers: Z7-228-947, Z7-244-031, and Z7-233-330.
even if they are long on you, get them hemmed, and I swear you will love them forever! I have 3 pairs, and I am still thinking of getting 1 more. I love these jeans!
give a toast
check your channels
I have to boast
Three Sheets is BACK
and tonight's the night
Fine Living Network's where it's at!
10 Eastern, monkey in hand
Zane Lamprey's rockin'
Three Sheets New Zealand!
In other news, although I'm still hacking up a lung and fighting a cough, the house is finally rid of this awful cold/sinus/whatever the hell bug we all had.
Matt had a photo shoot Sunday afternoon and both the model AND the Makeup Artist showed up! YAY!
Our dear White Russian turned 30 yrs old, and we hosted a small gathering at the casa. As it was an unusually cool weekend for Atlanta in July, we had it outside on the deck, with tiki torches lit. I guess it wasn't too cool for mosquitos (nasty little buggers!). James had homemade blueberry cake from the Bulgarians, and Matt and I gave him a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. We had light snacks of strawberries, bing cherries, blueberries, cheese wedges, chips, and salsa (homemade with those weird purple hull peas from the CSA farmer's thingie). Delish!
BTW check out James' website:
Cousin Tara and her family met us for brunch at Atkins Park on Sunday also. In spite of the unlucky battery situation in their vehicle. No worries, it was the kind of day where nothing could make you upset, and we just dealt with and moved on. Sweet! It was a lovely weekend. Sunny, breezy, cooler than normal, oh yes and I got my hair done (it always feels SO good to have freshly colored/styled hair!).
Lastly, my monthly visit to the liquor store, didn't turn up any St. Germaine Elderberry Vodka, or Gran Centenario Rosangel Tequila, but I did find the Asombroso Rose Reposado, and that was good enough for me.
Have a great night with Three Sheets everyone! and may your week be prosperous also!
Victoria's Secret's 70s Jean (IMHO the BEST jeans ever)
are on sale for $19.99 a pair in 3 styles and 5-6 denim shades/hues.
Item numbers: Z7-228-947, Z7-244-031, and Z7-233-330.
even if they are long on you, get them hemmed, and I swear you will love them forever! I have 3 pairs, and I am still thinking of getting 1 more. I love these jeans!
family visit,
hair lounge,
st germain,
three sheets,
white russian
Friday, July 17, 2009
Happenings this weekend
Luxe is having a Summer BOGO party on Saturday 07/18/2009 12n-7p.
Solstice Cafe is having a Burlesque show on Saturday night.
BTW I forgot to mention, I won a free iPod Shuffle at work this week. YAY! It's a spiffy bright Green color. Now what to put on it?
Solstice Cafe is having a Burlesque show on Saturday night.
BTW I forgot to mention, I won a free iPod Shuffle at work this week. YAY! It's a spiffy bright Green color. Now what to put on it?
Visiting Grandpa, Refi, Sickness, White Russians, Sad Movies, and all that jazz
Whew it has been a while, sorry about that. We've been very busy.
July 4th weekend, I drove up to visit with Grandpa, Aunt Julie, and Uncle John & Lynette.
Grandpa is now on oxygen 24/7. He does have a portable tank for when he has to go to the store, church, or run errands. However, the pulmonary fibrosis is definitely doing its thing. It's not curable.
I hope to go back and see him soon in August sometime.
On the upside, we had a good time visiting, and saw the local fireworks from the safety of the backyard.
An old highschool friend looked me up on Facebook, and she and her new husband were in town over the July 4th weekend. When I returned from visiting Grandpa, we went out for a nice Indian Food dinner at our fave place - Himalayas. Turns out they have a grocery store in the same shopping plaza, so we checked that out as well. Great place to get some mango!
Matthew and I refinanced the house (signed all the paperwork on the 6th). We got locked in while the rates were still in the 4%'s, so that is really nice (of course now it's back up in the fives and sixes, blah). Paid off a few bills in the process. Not trying to say the worst is coming, but now we will be in a safer position financially if (God Forbid) Matt or I get laid off at work. One of us should be able to handle the bills alone on our salary if something happens now. I certainly hope that doesn't happen, but it is always smart to be prepared. We had the BEST broker for the situation, I couldn't have been happier with him. If you need a recommendation, let me know and I'll send you his way.
We even got around to painting the master bathroom finally. Well it's still not 100%, but at least it's not the textured sandy alligator green anymore. We used the same surrey-beige color that is in the hall bath and in the roommates' room. It went on very nice over the textured paint. Now we just need someone to do the trimwork and ceiling. I don't mind doing it myself, it's just that the idiots who lived here before us, use OIL paint for the trim (pale pink, ewww), and then someone painted LATEX on top of it afterwards, and now the paint is peeling. So someone will need to literally STRIP the door/window frames, and totally redo them. I am not in the mood for this right now. I seriously want to pay someone. Also the ceiling paint is cracking and old, it may need some drywall mud to flatten it out. I am also not in the mood for this. Anybody know a cheap but effective painter who can do this for us?
Although, the new color looks VERY nice in spite of the trim/ceiling issues. I am very happy with it!
As if we weren't busy enough (last week at work was a NIGHTMARE) - the roommate caught a cold, then somehow Matt caught it, and then I caught it. And then my cold turned into a Sinus Infection (I guess, because I thought Sinus infections were NOT contagious?). I spent 2 days "working from home" and sleeping on and off between meetings. Thank Goodness for conference calls, so nobody had to see my horrible self those days.
I finally went to the doctor on the 3rd day (since my snot was turning yellow, that's when you know it's an infection, when it changes color), and he put me on a new antibiotic that I hadn't tried before. It's the first time he's given me one that has a GENERIC - so instead of the brand name drug that cost me $150 even after discounts last time, this one was only $2.90! talk about a good deal! I just hope it works. Last time he gave me a Z-pak, but it didn't cure me, and then I had to go back and pay for the expensive one (Avelox). I sincerely hope this generic thing can kick the sinus infection's *ss, because I really don't like being on an antibiotic if I can help it.
I'm able to be at work now, but I'm still coughing up a storm. I hope it won't go into my chest.
Why do we get colds in the summertime? that just seems odd to me!
On the upside from being sick, I caught up on all the sad movies I have been wanting to see. I watched "Seven Pounds" and "Nights in Rodanthe." I'm a huge Richard Gere and Diane Lane fan (separately not necessarily together). Although, I'm kinda pissed at Nicholas Sparks about the ending of that movie. Does he HAVE to make it so damned depressing? The Will Smith movie was VERY good though.
I also realized that somewhere between switching from Comcast to AT&T Uverse, I missed the season finale of Desperate Housewives. I finally watched both Part 1 and 2 of the finale last night. AWESOME cliffhangers. I can't wait for next season.
Three Sheets Premiere is Monday July 20th on Fine Living Network (if you get it). DVR that puppy!
Mad Men Premiere is Sunday August 16th on AMC. Cannot wait!!!
Our dear White Russian friend is celebrating his 30th Birthday this weekend, so Saturday night should be a bit of a party (although I'm still not sure WHERE it is happening). He lives in Vegas now, but came back to ATL for the birthday celebration. He put in his facebook status "The Desert Eagle Has landed" I love that stuff! YAY!
I will attempt to behave myself so I don't get any sicker though. Have been avoiding alcohol.
Getting hair touched up on Saturday, and oil change. Very exciting stuff right? ha! But honestly after being sick all week, it's NICE to go get pretty again. I seriously have let my roots go too long. The last day I was home sick, after getting the work done, I treated myself to a mani/pedi/brow wax at the nail salon. It is nice to feel normal again.
Well that's all for now. Hope everyone is having a great July!
July 4th weekend, I drove up to visit with Grandpa, Aunt Julie, and Uncle John & Lynette.
Grandpa is now on oxygen 24/7. He does have a portable tank for when he has to go to the store, church, or run errands. However, the pulmonary fibrosis is definitely doing its thing. It's not curable.
I hope to go back and see him soon in August sometime.
On the upside, we had a good time visiting, and saw the local fireworks from the safety of the backyard.
An old highschool friend looked me up on Facebook, and she and her new husband were in town over the July 4th weekend. When I returned from visiting Grandpa, we went out for a nice Indian Food dinner at our fave place - Himalayas. Turns out they have a grocery store in the same shopping plaza, so we checked that out as well. Great place to get some mango!
Matthew and I refinanced the house (signed all the paperwork on the 6th). We got locked in while the rates were still in the 4%'s, so that is really nice (of course now it's back up in the fives and sixes, blah). Paid off a few bills in the process. Not trying to say the worst is coming, but now we will be in a safer position financially if (God Forbid) Matt or I get laid off at work. One of us should be able to handle the bills alone on our salary if something happens now. I certainly hope that doesn't happen, but it is always smart to be prepared. We had the BEST broker for the situation, I couldn't have been happier with him. If you need a recommendation, let me know and I'll send you his way.
We even got around to painting the master bathroom finally. Well it's still not 100%, but at least it's not the textured sandy alligator green anymore. We used the same surrey-beige color that is in the hall bath and in the roommates' room. It went on very nice over the textured paint. Now we just need someone to do the trimwork and ceiling. I don't mind doing it myself, it's just that the idiots who lived here before us, use OIL paint for the trim (pale pink, ewww), and then someone painted LATEX on top of it afterwards, and now the paint is peeling. So someone will need to literally STRIP the door/window frames, and totally redo them. I am not in the mood for this right now. I seriously want to pay someone. Also the ceiling paint is cracking and old, it may need some drywall mud to flatten it out. I am also not in the mood for this. Anybody know a cheap but effective painter who can do this for us?
Although, the new color looks VERY nice in spite of the trim/ceiling issues. I am very happy with it!
As if we weren't busy enough (last week at work was a NIGHTMARE) - the roommate caught a cold, then somehow Matt caught it, and then I caught it. And then my cold turned into a Sinus Infection (I guess, because I thought Sinus infections were NOT contagious?). I spent 2 days "working from home" and sleeping on and off between meetings. Thank Goodness for conference calls, so nobody had to see my horrible self those days.
I finally went to the doctor on the 3rd day (since my snot was turning yellow, that's when you know it's an infection, when it changes color), and he put me on a new antibiotic that I hadn't tried before. It's the first time he's given me one that has a GENERIC - so instead of the brand name drug that cost me $150 even after discounts last time, this one was only $2.90! talk about a good deal! I just hope it works. Last time he gave me a Z-pak, but it didn't cure me, and then I had to go back and pay for the expensive one (Avelox). I sincerely hope this generic thing can kick the sinus infection's *ss, because I really don't like being on an antibiotic if I can help it.
I'm able to be at work now, but I'm still coughing up a storm. I hope it won't go into my chest.
Why do we get colds in the summertime? that just seems odd to me!
On the upside from being sick, I caught up on all the sad movies I have been wanting to see. I watched "Seven Pounds" and "Nights in Rodanthe." I'm a huge Richard Gere and Diane Lane fan (separately not necessarily together). Although, I'm kinda pissed at Nicholas Sparks about the ending of that movie. Does he HAVE to make it so damned depressing? The Will Smith movie was VERY good though.
I also realized that somewhere between switching from Comcast to AT&T Uverse, I missed the season finale of Desperate Housewives. I finally watched both Part 1 and 2 of the finale last night. AWESOME cliffhangers. I can't wait for next season.
Three Sheets Premiere is Monday July 20th on Fine Living Network (if you get it). DVR that puppy!
Mad Men Premiere is Sunday August 16th on AMC. Cannot wait!!!
Our dear White Russian friend is celebrating his 30th Birthday this weekend, so Saturday night should be a bit of a party (although I'm still not sure WHERE it is happening). He lives in Vegas now, but came back to ATL for the birthday celebration. He put in his facebook status "The Desert Eagle Has landed" I love that stuff! YAY!
I will attempt to behave myself so I don't get any sicker though. Have been avoiding alcohol.
Getting hair touched up on Saturday, and oil change. Very exciting stuff right? ha! But honestly after being sick all week, it's NICE to go get pretty again. I seriously have let my roots go too long. The last day I was home sick, after getting the work done, I treated myself to a mani/pedi/brow wax at the nail salon. It is nice to feel normal again.
Well that's all for now. Hope everyone is having a great July!
aunt julie,
pulmonary fibrosis,
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Chateau Montelena Chardonnay & Bottle Shock Movie

Last night, we had the utmost pleasure of watching Bottle Shock with some friends over a bottle of Chateau Montelena Chardonnay.
Granted, it was the 2007 vintage, not the 1973 featured in the movie, but close enough (potAYtoe, patAtoe). It was just delicious!
I highly recommend both the movie and the wine. Albeit the wine runs about $39.99-42.99 here in Atlanta.
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