Eat Free if you voted. Click HERE for more information.
Well it took a Herculean Effort, and a ton of paperwork, but I finally got to vote today.
My voting adventure started in September. I had been a registered voter and voted before, and I still get my voting card in the mail every year. So I did not suspect anything was amiss. I registered for an absentee ballot, so I could vote via the mail and not have to stand in line this year. I sent in my application about 1.5 months before election day. Plenty of time for them to mail me back right?
When I hadn't heard anything back from the Voter's Registration office, I decided I should go "Early Vote" in my county. So, last week on Thursday, I drove down to one of the county's early voting locations and started to look for a place to park. I had already heard of the nightmar-ish lines and 8 hr waits. I figured this location was unknown to many so it would be a great spot. As I'm on my way there, when I get the bright idea to call my county's Registration office to doublecheck my voting status. This way maybe they messed up the mail but I could print out my absentee ballot online? or something? WRONG. They couldn't even find me in the computer. They said I wasn't even registered to vote. Finally after much searching, they found me registered to vote under my Maiden name. Well ok, I had already filed the paperwork to have that changed 2 yrs ago, but I guess that never happened.
I also asked WHY the absentee application wasn't at least responded to with an explanation. The lady told me that if they can't match the absentee applicant with a registered voter, they just toss it. TOSS IT? what a crock!!!
The lady told me she would transfer me to a different phone number so I could see about changing my name in time to vote. She said there would be a form I could mail or fax in. So she transfers me. I'm on hold for a long time and thenI get a busy signal.
In the meantime I'm stuck in a massive parking lot traffic jam at my early-voting location. The line is HUGE and long. And I can't even drive away. It's a one road in/and same road out kinda place. It takes almost 30 minutes, but I finally get back home from this location. BLAH!
The next morning, I try calling the Voter's Registration again. They said that I could fax in a name change form with copy of my marriage certificate. I had to drive home on my lunch break on Friday (Halloween) to get the papers, and then send the fax in that afternoon (so I did all of this), and then called the office back after 30 mins of faxing it, to get it processed. By the time I called back, the line was busy again and there was no getting through.
She had also told me that I could vote, if I had my name change paperwork with me at the polls.
Since it was HALLOWEEN I figured that nobody would be in line anymore, they'd be rushing home to get to the trick or treater's dressed up, and the candy bowls ready.
I drive back to my early voting location, but this time I'm smart and park at the church across the street from that one way in/out road. This way I can walk in, and walk out if I need to with no conflict. I should have seen the signals. There was a cop directing traffic. There were picketters (is that a word), etc. It was a mad house. I got in an even LONGER line than Thursday's line. Someone who had just voted came back to our area, where he had started his line wait - and he said it would take 2 hrs and 40 mins to vote if you started in line right where I was. Great! It was already 4:30pm when he says this to me. This means I'd barely get to vote by 7pm, if I was lucky and they close the polls at 7pm. Yes you can still vote if you are in line before 7 . . . if you wait that long.
Well I'm not willing to wait that long, and miss dinner with my hubby and the trick or treaters, etc. I also didn't have a lawn chair or book or anything to do except fiddle with my bbry, blah!
SO, I got out of line (with all my name chg paperwork), and went home.
FFWD >>>
Tuesday morning. I wake up at the ungodly hour of 5am. I take a shower, do my yoga routine (the abbreviated version), make some coffee, wear my Red, White, and Blue outfit, and hop on down to the place I voted last time, name chg papers in tow. The line is wrapped around 1 corner of the building, but it doesn't look bad. I even got a good parking space, and I wasn't trapped if I had to leave. I get in line around 6:30am. I wait 30 mins until the doors open. I follow the line into the building. Of course there's a line INSIDE the building too, go figure.
I wait, and wait, and about 20 mins into this, a little lady walks down the hall and is having people verify their precinct. Basically, if you ain't on her list, you ain't voting THERE.
I wasn't on the list. I wasn't on the list under EITHER name (marrried or maiden).
SO, she has me CALL the stupid voter's registration line again.
oh boy.
I actually get through this time (YAY!) and they tell me to go to this little school by my house. I tell her that school is now closed down, is she absolutely SURE that is where I go? She reads me the address. She says unless the building was torn down, I should GO THERE!
I get out of line. I get in my car. I drive to the schoool by my house.
I see cars, but I do not see a line. I literally RUN into the school, and get into the SHORTEST line I have ever seen.
But wait! They still have to verify my name information. I end up filling out 2 forms for the voting officers there. And FINALLY they give me the go ahead to vote.
And I have to get into the 2nd line for that.
So I get in another line.
And about 30 mins later. I FINALLY VOTE!
I leave the school about 8:10am.
Not bad. I voted in 1 hr and 40 minutes, including driving time between precincts. ok I can live with that.
And BONUS Starbucks is giving a FREE 12 oz coffee to anyone who shows their voting sticker today.
You better believe I got me a cup of that Thanksgiving Blend. Oooh yeah!
None of the Pike's Place crap (dont' get me started on that rant), but the good stuff! YAY!
I certainly hope that the future president of the USA appreciates all the trouble I had to go to.
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