Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Squash me baby

Photo Credit We made this soup Saturday evening. mmm mmm delicious!!! Recipe is also linked.
Well, for a pre-Thanksgiving holiday prep, I'm doing 3 days of eating nothing but fruits and veggies. I'm not doing the "Raw" thing, I do like to cook some of my stuff, but I am doing this with some girlfriends at work. One lady swears that when she does this, she loses 5 lbs, and then doesn't gain anything after Thanksgiving Day. Also, supposedly it helps flush you out. Matt was a little concerned about lack of protein, but I'm taking Spirulina supplements, and one of my veggies is Edamame - high in protein, so I am thinking this will be fine. It's only 3 days after all. not long term. I feel great so far.
Went to Dance 101 twice this week. Sunday I did the Yoga class. Wow did that feel great. Then Monday I did my YMCA Cardio Morning thing, and then Monday night (after a bout of wrapping presents and packages), I went back for "The Bridge" class. This one is a mix of Pilates, ballet, yoga moves, and DAMN that girl worked us hard. I loved it though. I'm feeling muscles I haven't used in a LONG damn time. My buttcheek actually started to cramp up during one move, but I was able to work through it. My fave move - which I have NOT mastered yet - was when we had to do a backbend, and then pull our heels off the floor, so we are doing the backbend with our tip-toes, and then she has you balance on ONE LEG and put the other one straight up - 45 degrees from your stomach. Talk about HARD. I tried, but kept wobbling and almost fell over. I need more CORE strength for those I think. WOW! Of course the instructor just kept on, like it was as easy as yawning. I really envy her toned bod, I want mine to be like that. Slim but STRONG as hell. yeah! Gotta keep working my muscles then! woo hoo!
Today I slept in and gave my aching muscles a bit of a break. Tonight we are headed out to the last APG meeting of the year (Atlanta Photographer's Guild)- they keep telling me the place we meet at has good chili. I may have to pass and order the salad. We'll see.
In case I don't blog before then . . .
HAPPY TURKEY DAY everybody!!! Happy Thanksgiving!
And here's some ATL fun - The Atlanta Barbies.

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