I thought perhaps we'd go back to Rachel's house, or to Matt's mother's house afterwards, but we all just hugged and then went home. I had made a pan of Baklava for them, since Brad (Matt's stepdad) loves it so much. They took the pan home with them. - So then we went home, walked the dog, finished framing photos (we had taken a photo a long time ago of Erika and her Dad together, so we framed one for each of them). Then we drove over to feed Chris & Mina's fish and cats (since they were outta town). The third/last pan of Baklava went with us to Erika's house for the big meal. We were told to arrive around 4:30pm. I was not sure what the dress code was, so I wore heeled boots, jeans, and a nice sweater, and styled my hair pretty . Turns out that was fine. - They had 3 ovens in their kitchen (huge house) - turkey, asparagus, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, 2 gravy boats, dry stuffing, wet stuffing, macaroni and cheese, baklava, homemade zucchini bread, pumpkin bread, cranberry sauce, I cannot remember what else.
Lots of red wine and a drink called the "old fashioned" - I guess it's their signature drink or something. Everybody loved the Baklava of course, and all the guests helped clean up the dishes and I helped put away the leftovers into tupperware containers. Then we played SCRABBLE down in the gameroom/bar area. Nice. Erika's stepmom is a stupendous Scrabble player. Then we went home to bed around 11pm. I was TIRED. and full.
Friday I worked from home - and put up the tree and Christmas decorations. I couldn't put up my ornaments yet, as I needed to buy new lights for the tree. Matt had to go IN to work, but he came home for a bit for lunch. we fed the cats and fish again, Then later that night it was the Castleberry Hill Art Stroll, so we went downtown. he treated me to a nice SUSHI dinner, and then we strolled around the art galleries. We stumbled across some new places we hadnt' been - Star (a bar/jazz club/etc), and the Besherat Gallery. Mon Dieu it was breathtaking. Everything in that gallery was just beautiful!!! The gallery ITSELF was a work of art, complete with plexiglass stairs, and gorgeous railings, lighting fixtures, etc. I was blown away. THIS is my new favorite gallery in town now! Then we closed out the evening at No Mas for some chips/salsa and I had a diet coke so I could sober up to drive us home. Whew! Free wine at gallery's is/are nice, but DAMN it can hit you like a ton of bricks. Matt had a margarita and got the free bracelet with it. It's a wooden bracelet with saints on it. Very cool. then home to bed.
Saturday, we went to Lowe's to price out a new front door (it was way way way too expensive, but good to get an idea), and then we bought christmas lights for the tree and porch. We are going to string icicle lights along the porch again, but that's it. I don't usually do outside lights - too much work. Saturday afternoon, we fed the cats and fish again and then drove to IKEA to pick up my closet (I'm getting the PAX Birkeland - if you want to look it up). Long story why. Basically, we are getting a roommate for the "Zen room" and because of this, I need to get all my clothes OUT of the roommate closet and into a new place. So, we installed this white 78" closet along the wall (between the bathroom and the green guest room). I also got the nifty slide-able shoe racks, so now all my shoes have a new home! woo hoo! Our friend Jeff has a truck, so he was helping us bring all the boxes home. We took him out to a local pizza place (Vintage Pizza) as a thank you for driving us and unloading my boxes from IKEA. Then our new roommate prospect came over to hang out. he's super nice. Anyway, we ended up watching Star Trek : Nemesis Movie on TV - one I had not seen before. I cooked up some kung pao chicken also. It was a nice evening.
Sunday I started working on the closet and by Monday night it was all done.
Monday I finished addressing/stamping the Christmas Cards on my lunch break and mailed those out. Also mailed all the pkgs I had wrapped up for Christmas gifts. I think that is all done except for maybe 2 gifts?
Now it's time to get ready for the Craft Fair! We are having a work Craft Fair in the Activity Center next week. I am going to be selling some of Matt's prints in 5x7 and 8x10 sizes, and also some larger pieces for $150-$300. 10% of the proceeds go to charity. I cannot wait to see people's reactions. Good practice for the business and maybe we will make some $ too?
I'm going to Stretch class tonight, cannot wait. WHEW! Now I am tired. talk to you soon!
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