This Christmas was my favorite one so far, I think. It was more about spending time with people and visiting than gifts this year. But that is what counts! I am so thankful for all the people in my life! ;-D
Santa gave Sport a Canadian Goose-toy that honks. He loves it! He takes it everywhere with him, even in the car when we go for a drive. LOL.
Matt got a nice winter coat from me, and we bought ourselves a new printer/fax/scanner, this one is an HP and it really works (unlike that crappy one we had before). It also prints color so we can do fliers and photos. ;-D
Matt got me a beautiful fancy candle called Low Country New Orleans, and it smells DIVINE! Also the Hangover Movie, and Elf Movie.
We got to visit with all of our friends and local family over the week and weekend.
Chris and Mina came over for dinner one night to try some of the Mollydooker Wine we fell in love with (from NYC) - we had greek steaks and yogurt sauce.
and then the next night Ben & Erika came over for dinner (Scallops in basil pesto linguini). and we did our gift exchanges.
Christmas Eve we went to a Bulgarian party at Chris & Mina's with their family and did gifts there. The meal was all vegan, they don't do any animal related food until Christmas Day, some tradition? healthy! Anyway it was super tasty stuff.
Christmas Day, we went to Matt's Mom's house and did the ham/meal there, gift exchange, etc. Then we drove to Vanya's house (Mina's aunt) to celebrate Hristo's & Chris's "name day" which is always the same day as Christmas - tradition, and we had gumbo, and lots of other food and wine.
I got to play with Ian (Chris & Mina's son who is 2 now), a lot. He is talking up a storm and says my name now! He likes to play cars, and dance. He's bilingual, so sometimes I have to figure out if he's talking to me in English or Bulgarian. Too funny.
Matt and I came home and watched ELF together. I love that movie, I was getting all sentimental so I cried. lol.
Saturday we had leftovers (ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, veggies, salad, etc) and Matt decided he wanted Wii Resort and Mario Kart, so we used our Target gift card,and bought those, and I watched the movie I had been asking for "Kiss Me Kate" - and then we found out our friend James (the White Russian) was in town visiting from Vegas, so we went to pick him up and he slept over, and it was an impromptu party at our house. Mostly we played Wii with everyone and snacked on the ham. Everybody had a blast!
Sunday we had a nice big breakfast (turkey bacon, eggs over easy on pumpernickel toast, and garnished with green chiles) and then out of the blue…
Sport had 2 seizure-like episodes yesterday afternoon (he was sleeping in the sun, then woke up suddenly, freaked out, and was trembling, stiff, and eyes dilated). At first we thought he had a bad dream, but I noticed he was drooling. He does not drool. So I stayed next to him and petted him and talked softly, and he seemed to be calming down, and then it happened again, so we rushed him to the vet, but he seemed okay by the time we got to a doctor. My arm was wet from Sport drooling while I held him, but I didn't care, I was so worried about him. They did a full neurology exam on him, and he seems fine. They said to watch him closely so that is why I am working from home. It may just have been a food reaction, not sure, lots of holiday food around the house, he may have gotten into something. But just in case, I want to keep a watch on him and make sure he is okay.
I had already made Chile in the crock pot before Sport's emergency, so we snacked on that, and the ham again, during the day, and friends came over, and we watched The Hangover - Unrated Edition. Just before the movie, Ian came over with Mina & Chris (they were visiting James), and I had my nephew's toys here for him to play with. He had ball and didn't want to leave. too funny!
Sport has been super tired since his emergency yesterday, he sleeps and sleeps. He is very sweet though. He even licked Ian's face. LOL. Ian mostly ignores him, which is good because then Sport will like him more. My nephew used to pull on Sport's tail and fur, and Sport got frustrated with him. However Ian is better with animals, probably since he has 2 cats at his house.
Today I'm just working at home and watching Sport to see that he doesn't have any more issues. We have been super careful with making sure no food falls on the floor. He is only stuck eating his dogfood (no fun for him, he is begging us for some ham, but I am not giving in).
My co-worker told me that a long time ago his dog had a seizure from eating some chocolate. So maybe somehow Sport got some chocolate? I am not sure. there is no evidence that he did, but I do not know.
That ham is still here, I'm getting sick of ham. Matt loves it though. I just cut up the rest of it and we are having butternut-squash ham soup and then THAT's the end of the ham. LOL. no more (thank God!).
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Kick-*ss F*ckin Chile
2 cans Trader Joes organic vegetarian chile
1 can Trader Joes organic diced tomatoes with green chiles
1 can black beans
1 can pinto beans
1 big can plum tomatoes
1 small can green chiles
1/2 andouille sausage diced
4 strips turkey bacon crumbled
1/2 cup water
Pour ingredients into crockpot, stir and heat.
Serve with shredded cheese, sour cream, chopped ripe avocado, and crackers.
-- Post From My iPhone
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Traditions

1) Hanging the mistletoe around the house. We have 3 sprigs of it now, so I like to surprise my hubby with kisses in various doorways and hallways.
2) Jingle Dog - we have a red velvet collar with white fur and jingle bells on it, for Sport. At first he hates it, but since we leave it on him all month, he gets used to it. I call him my Jingle Dog!
3) Decorating the tree on Black Friday. Maybe it's weird, but I like to be respectful of Thanksgiving and not decorate until after. But the moment it's over, I start putting up my tree and decorations. Christmas is my fave holiday! I've got it down to a science, and usually all the decorations are done within 2 hours or so.
4) The Christmas Music Collection - I have been gradually collecting Christmas music for years now. I keep them in a case, that I pull out once a year. Then we rotate through all the CDs. New to the collection this year (compliments of Aunt Julie) are "Christmas with the Rat Pack" and "Diana Krall Christmas Songs." So far the Rat Pack is my fave, but I love them both.
5)Starbucks Christmas Blend Coffee - I treat myself a few mornings before Christmas, and sometimes even buy a bag of the coffee beans to grind & brew at home, although somehow the store's brew always seems to taste better. If you haven't tried it, you MUST drink some at least once. Delicious!
6) The Ham. Matt insists that either Thanksgiving or Christmas (one of the 2) HAS to have a Honeybaked Ham. He goes CRAZY for it (almost as crazy as the dog). I like Turkey on Thanksgiving, so usually Christmas is the HAM. No exception this year either. I picked it up yesterday.
7) Wearin' O the Red & Green - Over the years people give me funky socks (Santa Socks, Grinch Socks, etc). So I try to use them in the month of December. I even have a pair of Red Shoes I don, with my Christmasy outfits. No, I do NOT do the ugly sweater thing, unless it's for an Ugly Sweater party. I'm more about solid colors, some patterns, and I have a Nutcracker pin I like to put on my jacket. Winter Scarves are definitely in - so long a they are real scarves, not the fru-fru old-lady-kind. Still gotta be the Sexy Mrs. Lane ya know!
8) Santa Hats - once in a while we'll put on the Santa Hats. Not for long though. Most of the time the are hanging around my house on various lamps, curtain rods, or on my stuffed Grinch (he who guards my Poang Chair in the den...). good party accessory!
9) The Annual Christmas Card - I start planning mine in October. no seriously. Being married to a photographer has its perks, but we like to choreograph the perfect card. We start brainstorming early. Also, considering the time it takes to order the cards, have them printed, delivered to us, address them all, stamp them, mail them, etc, it takes a few weeks. I usually have them in the mail the day after Thanksgiving, if I can. Not that it's a competition, but I like being the FIRST card people see (I know that is super silly) but it's my "planning-ahead-ness" and I can't help it. Then I spend the rest of November/December, enjoying getting cards in the mail all month long. We hang them on a snowflake/shaped iron thingie that I hang in the dining room so I can see them all the time.
10) Eggnog - Matt loves Eggnog. I like it too, but I like it to have a kick. I used to get Silk Soynog (which is still tasty), but it is not so good for mixing with other things. Now-a-days I like the "Evan Williams Eggnog" - it comes pre-spiked with whiskey/bourbon, vanilla, caramel, flavors. oooh yes! No mixing required, and since it's alcoholic, we tend to drink it in smaller portions, and I only end up buying the one bottle. Previously, we'd have 2 bottles of eggnog (non-alcoholic) in the fridge, and that's like twice the calories, ug. Let's just do it Evan Williams way!
11) Year-round Christmas Shopping - now this may sound silly to you, but I love it. Throughout the year, I buy or collect gifts that I may use for Christmas Presents. I like this for several reasons: my gifts tend to be more unique or special to the recipient, the cost is spread across 12 months, not just all in 1 month, I beat the holiday rush of INSANE-SHOPPERS, and I can have my gifts wrapped as soon as I want to instead of all at the end of the year. Also, once the tree is up, I can just put these gifts under the tree right away!
12) Calendars, Day Planners, and Schedules - oh my! Being a plan-ahead-kind-of-gal, I really love Christmas time, because I get to give myself a NEW calendar/day planner/etc. It helps keep me organized for the coming year. It's also a great time to have everyone send you their latest current address/phone so you can update your contact list. This year I am getting more digital and less dependant on paper planners/calendars. My contacts and calendar are both on my gmail account, which is backed up and synched with my iPhone. I also have backup copies of the contacts in my Outlook at work, and my Yahoo account. So check it out, never will I worry about losing the info! It's also a great time to look ahead at the next year and figure out when I tentatively may want to book vacations or parties. Gmail even has a feature in the calendar, where you can add an appointment or event, AND invite more people! Kind of like a mini-Evite. It's great for "Save the date" type actions. and the best part is, it's FREE!
13) Reuse & Recycle - Call me Thrifty, but if you gift me a gift bag and tissue paper... I typically will save it and reuse it next year. Yes indeed. Why not use that Gift Bag more than once? Straighten and refold that pretty tissue paper, let's reuse it! Heck it's GREEN friendly too! Of course I don't reuse the ripped or torn things, but that is rare these days. And yes, I'll admit it. I also re-gift sometimes. Not a lot, but once in a while. Sometimes a well-meaning person will give me a fabulous gift, but it just isn't my thing. So, I will find it a better home. Of course usually the giver will have no idea at all that this ever happened. I don't want to hurt their feelings. I used to feel a teeny bit guilty about re-gifting until I caught my Mom doing it. It must be genetic. Anyway, it's totally another way to recycle things!
14) Gift Cards - Every year, I ask for Gift Cards for Christmas. I don't necessarily need a gift, I just want the gift cards. Why? Because I like to shop. AND as you know, EVERYTHING goes on sale After Christmas and through the beginning of the New Year! So, Gift cards let me SHOP and SAVE, what's not to like? It's the gift that keeps on giving!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Supplement-IT Launch Party at Solstice Cafe
Our friends from SMAZEN Enterprises LLC and the E.K. Morrell Group are hosting a Holiday Happy Hour to celebrate the launching of Supplement-IT, and giveaway prizes and coupons for Erika's Massage Services.
Did I mention there will be drink specials, prize drawings, and a special appearance by "The Supplement-IT Girls" ? no? well check it out ya'll! THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th at 7pm, SOLSTICE CAFE in Grant Park.
Supplement-IT is the FIRST dietary vitamin supplement, made for IT Professionals by IT Professionals. Check out their website for more information.
E.K. Morrell Group's Site.
Promo Video for the Party from Bob Dylan.
FaceBook Invite for the Party.
Did I mention there will be drink specials, prize drawings, and a special appearance by "The Supplement-IT Girls" ? no? well check it out ya'll! THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th at 7pm, SOLSTICE CAFE in Grant Park.
Supplement-IT is the FIRST dietary vitamin supplement, made for IT Professionals by IT Professionals. Check out their website for more information.
E.K. Morrell Group's Site.
Promo Video for the Party from Bob Dylan.
FaceBook Invite for the Party.
Monday, December 14, 2009
New Year's Eve at Solstice Cafe
So far we have 19 people. I went ahead and put in a reservation for us. It's in my name and on my credit card, so if you need to back out, please let me know in advance. 38 hr cancellation notice is required or I have to pay (don't make me come find you, lol).
The Prix-Fixe Menu (scroll to bottom of this post) includes the Champagne Toast at midnight, and is $45 + 18% gratuity (due to the large party. aka $54.
So bring cash for your meal ($54/person). Other drinks are extra (recommend running a separate tab for that at the bar, keeps it more organized for the server.
Again you can bring your own bottle of something, but there's a $10 corking fee per bottle. Let's bring a few Magnum sized bottles of wine to share, right? ha!
New Years Eve 4-Course Dinner $45 at Solstice Cafe
Vegetarian option available (V)
Includes Champagne Toast
Please add 18% gratuity for large parties.
1st Course – Choice Of:
Carrot Soup
Braised Short Rib & Horseradish Cream
Chipolini Onion Brodo
With Mitake Mushrooms (V)
2nd Course – Choice Of:
Chopped House SaladGrilled Red Onion, Chic Peas, Kalamata Olives, Feta Cheese, Tomato, Cucumber, Age Sherry Vinaigrette (V)
Solstice SaladStrawberries, Apples, Walnuts, Gorgonzola and Balsamic Vinaigrette (V)
3rd Course – Choice Of:
Pastrami Smoked Salmon
Horseradish Bilinis, Capers and Red Onion Marmalade
Potato Gnocchi
Chestnuts, House Made Fennel Sausage and Parmesan-Olive oil Emulsion (V)
Beef CarpaccioWhole Grain Mustard Aioli, Fried Capers, Parmesan, Smoked Sea Salt
4th Course – Choice Of:
Lamb Shanks
Confit Yukon Gold Potatoes and San Marzano Tomato Ragu
Tuna “Wellington”
Porcini Mushrooms, Spinach, Foie Gras and Red Wine Sauce
Filet Mignon
Rosemary Fries, Haricot Verts and Black Truffle Hollandaise
Butternut Squash Raviolis
Toasted Hazelnuts, Sage Whipped Mascarpone and Brown Butter (V)
Solstice Cafe | 562 Boulevard SE | Atlanta, GA 30312 | 404-622-1976 |
The Prix-Fixe Menu (scroll to bottom of this post) includes the Champagne Toast at midnight, and is $45 + 18% gratuity (due to the large party. aka $54.
So bring cash for your meal ($54/person). Other drinks are extra (recommend running a separate tab for that at the bar, keeps it more organized for the server.
Again you can bring your own bottle of something, but there's a $10 corking fee per bottle. Let's bring a few Magnum sized bottles of wine to share, right? ha!
New Years Eve 4-Course Dinner $45 at Solstice Cafe
Vegetarian option available (V)
Includes Champagne Toast
Please add 18% gratuity for large parties.
1st Course – Choice Of:
Carrot Soup
Braised Short Rib & Horseradish Cream
Chipolini Onion Brodo
With Mitake Mushrooms (V)
2nd Course – Choice Of:
Chopped House SaladGrilled Red Onion, Chic Peas, Kalamata Olives, Feta Cheese, Tomato, Cucumber, Age Sherry Vinaigrette (V)
Solstice SaladStrawberries, Apples, Walnuts, Gorgonzola and Balsamic Vinaigrette (V)
3rd Course – Choice Of:
Pastrami Smoked Salmon
Horseradish Bilinis, Capers and Red Onion Marmalade
Potato Gnocchi
Chestnuts, House Made Fennel Sausage and Parmesan-Olive oil Emulsion (V)
Beef CarpaccioWhole Grain Mustard Aioli, Fried Capers, Parmesan, Smoked Sea Salt
4th Course – Choice Of:
Lamb Shanks
Confit Yukon Gold Potatoes and San Marzano Tomato Ragu
Tuna “Wellington”
Porcini Mushrooms, Spinach, Foie Gras and Red Wine Sauce
Filet Mignon
Rosemary Fries, Haricot Verts and Black Truffle Hollandaise
Butternut Squash Raviolis
Toasted Hazelnuts, Sage Whipped Mascarpone and Brown Butter (V)
Solstice Cafe | 562 Boulevard SE | Atlanta, GA 30312 | 404-622-1976 |
Sunday, December 06, 2009
New York New York Pictures & Movie Links
NYC Movies:
Abbie has multiple NYC Photo Albums on her FaceBook Site. Look under her albums for the following:
1. New York Dining, Dogs, and Death by Culinary Ecstasy
2. Last Day in NY
3. Winters Eve 2009 Highlights
4. MoMA - Museum of Modern Art
5. Bar Boulud
6. NY Celebrity Sighting
7. Macys Thanksgiving Parade
8. Balloon Inflation
Matt's Photos:
Abbie was a guest blogger for MyUpperWest, check it out:
Winters Eve Movies: : Eve 2009 Lincoln Square/
Abbie has multiple NYC Photo Albums on her FaceBook Site. Look under her albums for the following:
1. New York Dining, Dogs, and Death by Culinary Ecstasy
2. Last Day in NY
3. Winters Eve 2009 Highlights
4. MoMA - Museum of Modern Art
5. Bar Boulud
6. NY Celebrity Sighting
7. Macys Thanksgiving Parade
8. Balloon Inflation
Matt's Photos:
Abbie was a guest blogger for MyUpperWest, check it out:
Winters Eve Movies: : Eve 2009 Lincoln Square/
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
New York New York Last Day
Tuesday, December 1st -
Central Park morning
Lansky's Deli for another PLT
Flight Cancelled, but not
Last walk with Frank
Cab Ride home
Central Park morning
Lansky's Deli for another PLT
Flight Cancelled, but not
Last walk with Frank
Cab Ride home
Monday, November 30, 2009
New York New York Day 8
Monday, November 30th -
Emerald Inn - Chicken Pot Pie
Regis Sighting!
ISAW Photos in Central Park
Time Warner Center
Touristy-Shopping & Tasti-D-Lite
Much Needed Reflexology Session
Picking up the Laundry
Winter's Eve Festival!
Emerald Inn - Chicken Pot Pie
Regis Sighting!
ISAW Photos in Central Park
Time Warner Center
Touristy-Shopping & Tasti-D-Lite
Much Needed Reflexology Session
Picking up the Laundry
Winter's Eve Festival!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
New York New York Day 7
Sunday November 29th -
Home Brewed Starbucks Christmas Blend Coffee in the Krups!
Battery Park
Hot Dogs from a Vendor
Site of the World Trade Center Towers
Century 21 Shopping Wonderland - Matt's coat, my new purse
Santa Fe - Rosangel
67 Wine - Santa Julia Malbec, Mollydooker Two Left Feet
Home Brewed Starbucks Christmas Blend Coffee in the Krups!
Battery Park
Hot Dogs from a Vendor
Site of the World Trade Center Towers
Century 21 Shopping Wonderland - Matt's coat, my new purse
Santa Fe - Rosangel
67 Wine - Santa Julia Malbec, Mollydooker Two Left Feet
Saturday, November 28, 2009
New York New York Day 6
Saturday, November 28th -
Starbucks Christmas Blend
Brunch with Gulru & Turkish Delight at the Central Park Boathouse
5th Avenue stroll to Tiffany's
Prune - Bone Marrow, Apple Pie A La Mode,
Cellar 58 - Bulgarian Wine?
The Continental - 5 shots of anything for $10. yeah, CRAZY!
Learning my ABC's-
Blue and Gold Bar
Sunflower Deli with Kymry
Blessed Sleep and WHAT no Hangover? AWESOME!
Starbucks Christmas Blend
Brunch with Gulru & Turkish Delight at the Central Park Boathouse
5th Avenue stroll to Tiffany's
Prune - Bone Marrow, Apple Pie A La Mode,
Cellar 58 - Bulgarian Wine?
The Continental - 5 shots of anything for $10. yeah, CRAZY!
Learning my ABC's-
Blue and Gold Bar
Sunflower Deli with Kymry
Blessed Sleep and WHAT no Hangover? AWESOME!
Friday, November 27, 2009
New York New York Day 5
Friday, November 27th -
Levain Bakery - a 6 ounce dark chocolate cookie with peanut butter chips, and amazing Coffee!
National History Musuem - apparently where all the Black Friday KIDS go. It was MAYHEM!
Gray's Papaya
Shop a Little
La Traviata Pizza
Morrell Wine Bar - Mollydooker The Boxer
Levain Bakery - a 6 ounce dark chocolate cookie with peanut butter chips, and amazing Coffee!
National History Musuem - apparently where all the Black Friday KIDS go. It was MAYHEM!
Gray's Papaya
Shop a Little
La Traviata Pizza
Morrell Wine Bar - Mollydooker The Boxer
new york,
Thursday, November 26, 2009
New York New York Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 26th - Thanksgiving Day!
Lauren & Torrey left at the crack of dawn to catch an early flight.
We slept in some, but I dragged myself out of bed at 7am. Frank was trying to wake me up, I could tell. And I wanted to get him a walk before they put up the barricades for the Macy's Parade. I threw on some clothes, and my puffer vest, and off we went. Thankfully, even though Central Park West was barricaded, the crosswalk was still open. So we passed several families (setting up their spot on the corners), and ran over to Central Park. Frank did his business, and it was quick. He seemed to know something big was about to happen. He was also on his best behavior. He stayed with me, and weaved in and out of crowds of people, as we made our way back to the crosswalk. OH CRAP, now the crosswalks were barricaded! How would we get back to the apartment? I wasn't about to walk miles north to W 79th street to get around the parade. Heck no! Frank and I stood helplessly at the crosswalk, wondering what to do. Suddenly, I noticed a family ducking under the barricades and crossing the street to my side. OOH it WAS possible? I squeezed myself through a barricade, but then had to worry about Frank and his leash. I let him walk under one, but then I had to get his leash untangled. Bless his heart. He just put his paws on top the barricade and waited for me to get the leash figured out. Meanwhile, the crowd just LOVED him. Everyone was petting him, and oohing and saying "what a good dog!" and "my he is SOFT", and Frank was just eating up the attention. We crossed the street, and thankfully, the policeman was there, and I politely explained that we had to get through to our apartment. He was very kind, and physically moved one of the barricades to let us into our sidewalk. I thanked him. Another family we passed on the curb, had a little toddler. The cherub couldn't have been more than 1 yr old, just barely walking. The father asked if he could pet Frank. Of course I said. I also let them know that I was just dogsitting, so I kept a firm grip on Frank's collar while the toddler pet him. It was just the perfect moment. They thanked me, and then Frank and I weaved past the other clumps of people squatting along the street, and back to the apartment. Matt was still asleep. :-D
We opted to run out to Breadsoul Cafe again for a quick breakfast, and then back to view the parade. By the time we finished eating it was 8am. People were passing us with portable chairs, ladders, blankets, kids in tow, strollers, and all heading towards Central Park. Unbelievably, everyone was in high spirits, and very friendly. Matt and I decided the crowd at the end of our street was too packed for us, so we split up (he with his camera) and I with mine. Matt would take a few shots, and then go back to the apartment to watch the parade on TV and football. I was determined to watch the ENTIRE parade. Gradually I inched my way through the throng of people up towards the front corner of the street and Central Park West. When the first Balloon came into sight, I actually had tears in my eyes. There is NOTHING like watching the Macy's Parade LIVE and in person. The TV just can't convey the electric enthusiasm of the crowd and performers. It was exhilirating!
It was hard to believe I stood there, snapping away photos, waving back at the parade float celebrities, and singing along with the marching bands, for TWO hours in the cold. But it was so worth it!
Afterwards, I went back to the apartment and had Matt rewind the DVR so I could watch the parade again. Then it was time to shower and get ready for lunch.
We had 1:30pm Reservations at Bar Boulud for Thanksgiving Lunch. They had a Prix-Fixe Menu, and it was DIVINE!
I love how close everything is in NYC. We almost literally crossed the street and rounded the corner and BOOM we were there.
We splurged on 2 glasses each of one of the best wines I've ever had! It was a 2005 Ridge Geyserville Zinfandel Magnum.
My menu choices were:
Soupe De Potiron - roasted butternut squash soup, candied pumpkin seeds, pomegranate molassas
Roasted Heritage Turkey - Corn Bread Stuffing (with giblets),haricorts verts, classic cranberry sauce, turkey gravy
Gratin De Pommes - Local granny smith apple butter, rouign amann cake, apple cider sorbet
Matthew had:
Coquilles Saint-Jacques - seared Maine diver sea scallops, brussel sprouts, butternut squash, almonds
Roasted Heritage Turkey - Corn Bread Stuffing (with giblets),haricorts verts, classic cranberry sauce, turkey gravy
Tarte Au Chocolat - bittersweet chocolate tart
Although we ordered only 2, we ended up tasting all 3 desserts (they gave us a free one)
Coupe De Potiron Confit - Pumpkin and Cranberry confit, toffee pudding cake, orange-caramel ice cream
It was just delicious!!!
Then we "waddled" back home, to watch football and relax. After all, the Cowboys were playing, that's Matt's Team!
In our new tradition (since I learned about it from Wine Club), we had some Beaujolais Nouveau to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Took Frank on his nightly walk, and fed him. We played fetch with his ball some too. He really loves to play!
We planned to go to Sushi at Haru or Amber, but Amber was closed, as we walked up the street, and we ran into a place called Sushi Gari, quite by accident. It was delicious, but the night was cold, everything was closed, and NYC felt empty for once.
We went home to enjoy some more wine and watch TV before bedtime.
Lauren & Torrey left at the crack of dawn to catch an early flight.
We slept in some, but I dragged myself out of bed at 7am. Frank was trying to wake me up, I could tell. And I wanted to get him a walk before they put up the barricades for the Macy's Parade. I threw on some clothes, and my puffer vest, and off we went. Thankfully, even though Central Park West was barricaded, the crosswalk was still open. So we passed several families (setting up their spot on the corners), and ran over to Central Park. Frank did his business, and it was quick. He seemed to know something big was about to happen. He was also on his best behavior. He stayed with me, and weaved in and out of crowds of people, as we made our way back to the crosswalk. OH CRAP, now the crosswalks were barricaded! How would we get back to the apartment? I wasn't about to walk miles north to W 79th street to get around the parade. Heck no! Frank and I stood helplessly at the crosswalk, wondering what to do. Suddenly, I noticed a family ducking under the barricades and crossing the street to my side. OOH it WAS possible? I squeezed myself through a barricade, but then had to worry about Frank and his leash. I let him walk under one, but then I had to get his leash untangled. Bless his heart. He just put his paws on top the barricade and waited for me to get the leash figured out. Meanwhile, the crowd just LOVED him. Everyone was petting him, and oohing and saying "what a good dog!" and "my he is SOFT", and Frank was just eating up the attention. We crossed the street, and thankfully, the policeman was there, and I politely explained that we had to get through to our apartment. He was very kind, and physically moved one of the barricades to let us into our sidewalk. I thanked him. Another family we passed on the curb, had a little toddler. The cherub couldn't have been more than 1 yr old, just barely walking. The father asked if he could pet Frank. Of course I said. I also let them know that I was just dogsitting, so I kept a firm grip on Frank's collar while the toddler pet him. It was just the perfect moment. They thanked me, and then Frank and I weaved past the other clumps of people squatting along the street, and back to the apartment. Matt was still asleep. :-D
We opted to run out to Breadsoul Cafe again for a quick breakfast, and then back to view the parade. By the time we finished eating it was 8am. People were passing us with portable chairs, ladders, blankets, kids in tow, strollers, and all heading towards Central Park. Unbelievably, everyone was in high spirits, and very friendly. Matt and I decided the crowd at the end of our street was too packed for us, so we split up (he with his camera) and I with mine. Matt would take a few shots, and then go back to the apartment to watch the parade on TV and football. I was determined to watch the ENTIRE parade. Gradually I inched my way through the throng of people up towards the front corner of the street and Central Park West. When the first Balloon came into sight, I actually had tears in my eyes. There is NOTHING like watching the Macy's Parade LIVE and in person. The TV just can't convey the electric enthusiasm of the crowd and performers. It was exhilirating!
It was hard to believe I stood there, snapping away photos, waving back at the parade float celebrities, and singing along with the marching bands, for TWO hours in the cold. But it was so worth it!
Afterwards, I went back to the apartment and had Matt rewind the DVR so I could watch the parade again. Then it was time to shower and get ready for lunch.
We had 1:30pm Reservations at Bar Boulud for Thanksgiving Lunch. They had a Prix-Fixe Menu, and it was DIVINE!
I love how close everything is in NYC. We almost literally crossed the street and rounded the corner and BOOM we were there.
We splurged on 2 glasses each of one of the best wines I've ever had! It was a 2005 Ridge Geyserville Zinfandel Magnum.
My menu choices were:
Soupe De Potiron - roasted butternut squash soup, candied pumpkin seeds, pomegranate molassas
Roasted Heritage Turkey - Corn Bread Stuffing (with giblets),haricorts verts, classic cranberry sauce, turkey gravy
Gratin De Pommes - Local granny smith apple butter, rouign amann cake, apple cider sorbet
Matthew had:
Coquilles Saint-Jacques - seared Maine diver sea scallops, brussel sprouts, butternut squash, almonds
Roasted Heritage Turkey - Corn Bread Stuffing (with giblets),haricorts verts, classic cranberry sauce, turkey gravy
Tarte Au Chocolat - bittersweet chocolate tart
Although we ordered only 2, we ended up tasting all 3 desserts (they gave us a free one)
Coupe De Potiron Confit - Pumpkin and Cranberry confit, toffee pudding cake, orange-caramel ice cream
It was just delicious!!!
Then we "waddled" back home, to watch football and relax. After all, the Cowboys were playing, that's Matt's Team!
In our new tradition (since I learned about it from Wine Club), we had some Beaujolais Nouveau to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Took Frank on his nightly walk, and fed him. We played fetch with his ball some too. He really loves to play!
We planned to go to Sushi at Haru or Amber, but Amber was closed, as we walked up the street, and we ran into a place called Sushi Gari, quite by accident. It was delicious, but the night was cold, everything was closed, and NYC felt empty for once.
We went home to enjoy some more wine and watch TV before bedtime.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
New York, New York Day 3
Wednesday, November 25th
BreadSoul Cafe - where we dined for breafast (delicious and inexpensive)!
MoMA - had to do the Art thing. We saw Van Gogh's Starry Night, and the Claude Monet exhibit as the highlights of the day.
Rosie O'Grady's - where we went to lunch. We shared the Maryland Crabcakes, fries, and I had wine while Matt had Stella. Gorgeous Irish Pub!
67 Wine - where we bought wine for Thanksgiving Day. YES they had the Beaujolais Noveau Georges Duboeuf.
Dinner @ Alachi Masala with Kymry. After Lauren came home, we hitched a cab over to an Indian restaurant, where we met Kymry. We hadn't seen our dear friend in almost a year, so it was nice to get to visit with her again. This restaurant doesn't serve alcohol, but they will let you bring your own. So I brought some with us.
Macys Balloon Inflation Ceremony - Lauren took us to this event.
Then we walked back towards the apartment, stopping at a deli for desserts & a quick stop at the wine store. Back to the apartment (hiked up the 5 flights of stairs), and then much drinking and visiting with our pals.
BreadSoul Cafe - where we dined for breafast (delicious and inexpensive)!
MoMA - had to do the Art thing. We saw Van Gogh's Starry Night, and the Claude Monet exhibit as the highlights of the day.
Rosie O'Grady's - where we went to lunch. We shared the Maryland Crabcakes, fries, and I had wine while Matt had Stella. Gorgeous Irish Pub!
67 Wine - where we bought wine for Thanksgiving Day. YES they had the Beaujolais Noveau Georges Duboeuf.
Dinner @ Alachi Masala with Kymry. After Lauren came home, we hitched a cab over to an Indian restaurant, where we met Kymry. We hadn't seen our dear friend in almost a year, so it was nice to get to visit with her again. This restaurant doesn't serve alcohol, but they will let you bring your own. So I brought some with us.
Macys Balloon Inflation Ceremony - Lauren took us to this event.
Then we walked back towards the apartment, stopping at a deli for desserts & a quick stop at the wine store. Back to the apartment (hiked up the 5 flights of stairs), and then much drinking and visiting with our pals.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
New York, New York Day 2
Tuesday, November 24th - Lauren and Torrey had to work. We slept in late, then walked up the street to Lansky's Deli. Torrey recommended we try it. Matt had the PLT (aka Pastrami, Lettuce, Tomato) sandwich with fries. I had a burger with cheese. I was so hungry! Everything came with coleslaw and pickles. Matt was in heaven over the pickles. I was in heaven over my Burger and Fries. Everything was delicious! Hit the spot! Of course we could only eat 1/2 of our food, so we packed it up to take back with us.
We made a mental note that Lansky's will make you a Central Park Lunch Basket for 2, and I thought perhaps we'd do that later on during our stay.
We stopped at a wine store along the way. I wanted something for dinner that night. Lauren had offered to cook up some cucumber/Thai dish, so we picked some wine to go with that. We grabbed a Sauvignon Blanc and a Malbec (I think? it has been a while so I forget). Lauren also had a bigger bottle that they hadn't finished yet. Matt insisted on a nap that afternoon (and since it was just Tuesday, I said OK).
Torrey was in and out most of the day, and we also learned Frank's routine so we'd be able to care for him while they were on vacation.
We had a glass of vino ready for Lauren when she got home. Then we all ended up hanging out, talking and listening to music, while she made dinner. Since the kitchen was right next to the living room, Lauren could hang with us while she was chopping up the food. We had a lovely time chatting over the wine, and into the wee hours of the evening, and finally we had to get to sleep around midnight.
We made a mental note that Lansky's will make you a Central Park Lunch Basket for 2, and I thought perhaps we'd do that later on during our stay.
We stopped at a wine store along the way. I wanted something for dinner that night. Lauren had offered to cook up some cucumber/Thai dish, so we picked some wine to go with that. We grabbed a Sauvignon Blanc and a Malbec (I think? it has been a while so I forget). Lauren also had a bigger bottle that they hadn't finished yet. Matt insisted on a nap that afternoon (and since it was just Tuesday, I said OK).
Torrey was in and out most of the day, and we also learned Frank's routine so we'd be able to care for him while they were on vacation.
We had a glass of vino ready for Lauren when she got home. Then we all ended up hanging out, talking and listening to music, while she made dinner. Since the kitchen was right next to the living room, Lauren could hang with us while she was chopping up the food. We had a lovely time chatting over the wine, and into the wee hours of the evening, and finally we had to get to sleep around midnight.
Monday, November 23, 2009
New York, New York Day 1
This year, we had the wonderful opportunity to help out a friend AND have a fabulous vacation in the Big Apple. Our dear friend's Lauren & Torrey wanted to spend Thanksgiving with their family in Colorado, but they needed a sitter for their beloved dog Frank. Besides the obvious perk of caring for a smart, polite, and very well-trained dog - we had free lodging in Manhattan for 8 days. Their lovely apartment is situated 1/2 block from Central Park West (for walking Frank every morning), and very close to Lincoln Square. OF COURSE we offered to dog-sit. Why NOT?
My dear friend Marybeth, sent me "Mike Colameco's Food Lover's Guide to NYC" about 2 weeks before the trip. I've almost read it cover-to-cover, bookmarked it, dog-eared the pages, carted it all over Manhattan, and it has been the BEST gift EVER. We couldn't have had the culinary ecstasy of a vacation without this book. THANK YOU MARYBETH!!!
Monday Nov 23rd, we flew in. I was just starting to come down with a cold, but was lucky to only have Monday feeling ill, but recovering nicely on Tuesday. We arrived late that night, and Frank was super excited to see us. Lauren & Torrey were glad also, but it was super late (delays with the trains/subways and our Manhattan navigation abilities). Matt has decided that he does not CARE anymore if it's a $90 cab ride, he's paying for us to ride stress-lessly in one vehicle to our destination from the airport. No more hopping onto NJ Transit, then Subway, then Walking, then up 5-flights of stairs - all the while carting around each of our 40pound suitcases. We got a WORK OUT! Anyway, I enjoy the bustle, it's totally my thing.
My dear friend Marybeth, sent me "Mike Colameco's Food Lover's Guide to NYC" about 2 weeks before the trip. I've almost read it cover-to-cover, bookmarked it, dog-eared the pages, carted it all over Manhattan, and it has been the BEST gift EVER. We couldn't have had the culinary ecstasy of a vacation without this book. THANK YOU MARYBETH!!!
Monday Nov 23rd, we flew in. I was just starting to come down with a cold, but was lucky to only have Monday feeling ill, but recovering nicely on Tuesday. We arrived late that night, and Frank was super excited to see us. Lauren & Torrey were glad also, but it was super late (delays with the trains/subways and our Manhattan navigation abilities). Matt has decided that he does not CARE anymore if it's a $90 cab ride, he's paying for us to ride stress-lessly in one vehicle to our destination from the airport. No more hopping onto NJ Transit, then Subway, then Walking, then up 5-flights of stairs - all the while carting around each of our 40pound suitcases. We got a WORK OUT! Anyway, I enjoy the bustle, it's totally my thing.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Varasano's, Vino, and Va-Nuptials?
Didn't realize how long it has been since I've updated this blog. Whew!
Saturday the 7th
Whilst the men enjoyed a bachelor party, I went on to my dear friend Mina's birthday bash at Varasano's. I thought I'd had everything, but you seriously have GOT to try Varasano's Pizza. It is truly amazing! Very delicious! Great Wine options, and My favorite pizza so far is the Nucci pizza on their menu. They also have a clam pizza among other daring adventures, but the Nucci was spectacular!
The owner is a math-fun guy, so the V in his logo is a square root. Also he's a Rubik's cube champ, so the dessert comes out with a raspberry coulis written cube-root around the chocolate demise pie. Yes that was a pun in baking.
As if the pizza weren't tasty enough, the desserts are just, well, I found myself smudged in chocolate demise. mmm!
Tuesday was Wine Club, we tasted Gamay (the varietal) also called Beaujolais. You can read more about that in the Wine Club Blog. I hosted and it was amazingly delicious! Love it!
Saturday the 14th
Our dear friends Minsoo & Sarah, tied the knot! There was a ton of Korean food options, and at the end of the buffet line was the Americanized food. I had already piled up on the Korean stuff, so I barely had room for the beef tenderloin. However, it was super yummy! They had some spicy kimchee, wowza!
The bride's dress was just gorgeous. The music was fun, and we pretty much danced the night away.
At the end of the reception, they were giving away the alcohol, so we took a box home. Thanks Minsoo & Sarah! Great wedding all around!
Sunday we did a photo shoot for the upcoming Voyeur Magazine issue (tentatively scheduled for release at the end of December). I'm not giving away any hints. It's faboo!
Today is National Baklava Day, although for once in my life, I was too tired to make it this year. I've just been SO busy with work, and prepping for the trip, it would be too much. However, when I go visit Grandpa in a few weeks, I'll be making some at his house. Never fear. The Baklava will reappear! at some point.
Saturday night we are looking forward to the Dixie Pin-up Party to celebrate their calendar release. And then Monday it's off to the BIG APPLE! woo hoo!
Saturday the 7th
Whilst the men enjoyed a bachelor party, I went on to my dear friend Mina's birthday bash at Varasano's. I thought I'd had everything, but you seriously have GOT to try Varasano's Pizza. It is truly amazing! Very delicious! Great Wine options, and My favorite pizza so far is the Nucci pizza on their menu. They also have a clam pizza among other daring adventures, but the Nucci was spectacular!
The owner is a math-fun guy, so the V in his logo is a square root. Also he's a Rubik's cube champ, so the dessert comes out with a raspberry coulis written cube-root around the chocolate demise pie. Yes that was a pun in baking.
As if the pizza weren't tasty enough, the desserts are just, well, I found myself smudged in chocolate demise. mmm!
Tuesday was Wine Club, we tasted Gamay (the varietal) also called Beaujolais. You can read more about that in the Wine Club Blog. I hosted and it was amazingly delicious! Love it!
Saturday the 14th
Our dear friends Minsoo & Sarah, tied the knot! There was a ton of Korean food options, and at the end of the buffet line was the Americanized food. I had already piled up on the Korean stuff, so I barely had room for the beef tenderloin. However, it was super yummy! They had some spicy kimchee, wowza!
The bride's dress was just gorgeous. The music was fun, and we pretty much danced the night away.
At the end of the reception, they were giving away the alcohol, so we took a box home. Thanks Minsoo & Sarah! Great wedding all around!
Sunday we did a photo shoot for the upcoming Voyeur Magazine issue (tentatively scheduled for release at the end of December). I'm not giving away any hints. It's faboo!
Today is National Baklava Day, although for once in my life, I was too tired to make it this year. I've just been SO busy with work, and prepping for the trip, it would be too much. However, when I go visit Grandpa in a few weeks, I'll be making some at his house. Never fear. The Baklava will reappear! at some point.
Saturday night we are looking forward to the Dixie Pin-up Party to celebrate their calendar release. And then Monday it's off to the BIG APPLE! woo hoo!
national baklava day,
photo shoot,
wine club
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Sniffling through the Season
Well it's been a bizarre week post-party-month.
My Auntie Julie told me about how she went Low-Carb and took Wheat Gluten out of her diet, and promptly lost 50 pounds (over the course of a year). She looks fabulous btw.
Not long after that, my parents did a detox and started slowly introducing foods back into their diet, and they discovered that they both had issues with Wheat Gluten and Dairy. My dad especially (Auntie Julie is his sister), has had terrible allergies and asthma his whole life. He would take his inhaler DAILY. Now he has figured out that he only needs his inhaler when he eats gluten or dairy or refined sugar. Go figure. It took the family a good 31 yrs of my life to figure this out. Anyway, good to know.
I was sorely ticked off at first, because I'd actually PAID a damn allergist to test me for issues with Wheat Gluten, Dairy, etc. And nothing showed up except Bananas and Shellfish. 1) I don't eat bananas anyway, I don't like them. 2) I rarely eat shellfish, and when I do, I have not had any issues. and 3) If my weight issues ARE gluten/dairy related, then why the hell didn't THAT show up on my test? My OB/GYN tells me that the allergy tests can only show true allergies, not "food sensitivities" blah blah blah.
Well well.
I guess once that inordinately large Birthday Cake, and gallon of Birthday Ice Cream is gone, then I can start doing the dairy/gluten free thing.
Oh that will suck, I LOVE, love, love cheese, and eggs (do eggs count?).
At least Wine is gluten and dairy free, right?
To add insult to injury, I started having sniffles almost daily now, in the mornings. At first I thought I was getting sick, and thus I have been working at home this week, but now, I'm rather inclined to think it's allergies. I DO have half-n-half in my coffee every morning. And we've been slowly eating away at that cake. Hmmm...
In other news, we are knee-deep in planning our Thanksgiving vacation. This year, we are going to The Big Apple to dog-sit. Yeah that sounds weird, but think about it. The most well-behaved dog (next to mine of course) in history ... Free room and board in an apartment 1/2 block from Central Park... RIGHT on the Macy's Parade route...romantic time alone with the hubby...7 gorgeous days to explore the city and wine and dine ourselves...ooh I cannot wait!
Not that we are avoiding family, but all our trips this year have been family or work related, and it is nice to finally be ALONE and get to do OUR thing.
Love to the fam, but we are "do-not-disturb" for Thanksgiving this year.
My Auntie Julie told me about how she went Low-Carb and took Wheat Gluten out of her diet, and promptly lost 50 pounds (over the course of a year). She looks fabulous btw.
Not long after that, my parents did a detox and started slowly introducing foods back into their diet, and they discovered that they both had issues with Wheat Gluten and Dairy. My dad especially (Auntie Julie is his sister), has had terrible allergies and asthma his whole life. He would take his inhaler DAILY. Now he has figured out that he only needs his inhaler when he eats gluten or dairy or refined sugar. Go figure. It took the family a good 31 yrs of my life to figure this out. Anyway, good to know.
I was sorely ticked off at first, because I'd actually PAID a damn allergist to test me for issues with Wheat Gluten, Dairy, etc. And nothing showed up except Bananas and Shellfish. 1) I don't eat bananas anyway, I don't like them. 2) I rarely eat shellfish, and when I do, I have not had any issues. and 3) If my weight issues ARE gluten/dairy related, then why the hell didn't THAT show up on my test? My OB/GYN tells me that the allergy tests can only show true allergies, not "food sensitivities" blah blah blah.
Well well.
I guess once that inordinately large Birthday Cake, and gallon of Birthday Ice Cream is gone, then I can start doing the dairy/gluten free thing.
Oh that will suck, I LOVE, love, love cheese, and eggs (do eggs count?).
At least Wine is gluten and dairy free, right?
To add insult to injury, I started having sniffles almost daily now, in the mornings. At first I thought I was getting sick, and thus I have been working at home this week, but now, I'm rather inclined to think it's allergies. I DO have half-n-half in my coffee every morning. And we've been slowly eating away at that cake. Hmmm...
In other news, we are knee-deep in planning our Thanksgiving vacation. This year, we are going to The Big Apple to dog-sit. Yeah that sounds weird, but think about it. The most well-behaved dog (next to mine of course) in history ... Free room and board in an apartment 1/2 block from Central Park... RIGHT on the Macy's Parade route...romantic time alone with the hubby...7 gorgeous days to explore the city and wine and dine ourselves...ooh I cannot wait!
Not that we are avoiding family, but all our trips this year have been family or work related, and it is nice to finally be ALONE and get to do OUR thing.
Love to the fam, but we are "do-not-disturb" for Thanksgiving this year.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Party, Party, Party, and Party some more...
I'm very relieved to discover I'm NOT too old for this. We have been partying our little tooshies off! Let me try to recap...
Saturday the 17th -
West Grant Park Neighborhood Block Party - this was a nice tame party with kids, parents, a bonfire, and live music. It was also the first FREEZING cold night of the year here, so everybody was bundled up to the gills. I made Fajita Chili, with green chile peppers in it. very good hit, but hard to keep warm, even in the crock pot, as everything was outdoors for this party. Thankfully, someone got me a power cable to run to my crockpot plug, but it took so long to warm up, it wasn't devoured before we had to leave. We did have some fun though. Chris and Mina and little Ian were there, it was fun. Then we skeddaddled on over to Alex's party that evening.
Alex's Divorce Party - the man is finally free, and we celebrated as he requested. With a night at his favorite debaucherized establishment. I wore my pole party shirt in honor of the event. (no pics allowed, we were at the PP, hee hee hee!).
Friday the 23rd
Dinner at Serpas - We tried a new restaurant called Serpas. It's located in Studioplex lofts on Auburn. The moment we walked in the door, one of our songs started up - Lover's Lane Island Paradise. Oh yeah. Groovy music as they walk you to your table. The food was to DIE for (so good), and the wine was amazing also. Delicious! Then we walked down 2 doors to Matt Odom's Photography Show at Art Department - I bought one of his pieces called "Dirty Hands". We originally met Matt in Castleberry Hill at the Atlanta Photographer's Guild meet up at Elliott Street Pub. He and his girlfriend Ashley are just awesome/adorable/fun/creative people. We love hanging out with them.
Then we skipped on over to The Porter (a pub in Little 5 Points) with some friends, and finally back home.
Saturday the 24th
The Double-A Birthday Basher Matt's Photos. As is the case every year, I have to compete with Halloween for my birthday. This year Alex and I did a joint party the weekend between our birthdays, and it ended up being a total blast! Much better turn out, since folks weren't having Halloween conflicts. Such an awesome party, even the neighbors drove by asking for our play-list. We didn't shut it down until 3:30am that night. There was dancing, shots, birthday cake, ice cream, bubblegum vodka, and someone DID stick it in the mashed potatoes. just kidding.
Tuesday the 27th
Got my hair touched up by Ms. Debi, and as I was leaving, my GPS notified me that all roads north (aka back home) were RED. It was raining, it was getting dark, traffic was a mess. I had a No Mas coupon in my purse. So I went to No Mas. Called a few friends, and Holly, Ben, and later Erika met me there. Woo hoo! more early birthday fun. Drove home much later, after traffic died down.
Thursday the 29th
Matt took me out for dinner at Season's 52. Later Erika came by with some Bitch Bubbly (that I didn't know existed, but I was pleased to discover), and we had some cocktails before bedtime.
Friday we missed our friend Walter's party, but we were "plum-tuckered-out!"
Saturday the 31st
Erika's 80s Themed Halloween Party: Ben's Photos Tom's Photos Matt's Photos
Saturday the 17th -
West Grant Park Neighborhood Block Party - this was a nice tame party with kids, parents, a bonfire, and live music. It was also the first FREEZING cold night of the year here, so everybody was bundled up to the gills. I made Fajita Chili, with green chile peppers in it. very good hit, but hard to keep warm, even in the crock pot, as everything was outdoors for this party. Thankfully, someone got me a power cable to run to my crockpot plug, but it took so long to warm up, it wasn't devoured before we had to leave. We did have some fun though. Chris and Mina and little Ian were there, it was fun. Then we skeddaddled on over to Alex's party that evening.
Alex's Divorce Party - the man is finally free, and we celebrated as he requested. With a night at his favorite debaucherized establishment. I wore my pole party shirt in honor of the event. (no pics allowed, we were at the PP, hee hee hee!).
Friday the 23rd
Dinner at Serpas - We tried a new restaurant called Serpas. It's located in Studioplex lofts on Auburn. The moment we walked in the door, one of our songs started up - Lover's Lane Island Paradise. Oh yeah. Groovy music as they walk you to your table. The food was to DIE for (so good), and the wine was amazing also. Delicious! Then we walked down 2 doors to Matt Odom's Photography Show at Art Department - I bought one of his pieces called "Dirty Hands". We originally met Matt in Castleberry Hill at the Atlanta Photographer's Guild meet up at Elliott Street Pub. He and his girlfriend Ashley are just awesome/adorable/fun/creative people. We love hanging out with them.
Then we skipped on over to The Porter (a pub in Little 5 Points) with some friends, and finally back home.
Saturday the 24th
The Double-A Birthday Basher Matt's Photos. As is the case every year, I have to compete with Halloween for my birthday. This year Alex and I did a joint party the weekend between our birthdays, and it ended up being a total blast! Much better turn out, since folks weren't having Halloween conflicts. Such an awesome party, even the neighbors drove by asking for our play-list. We didn't shut it down until 3:30am that night. There was dancing, shots, birthday cake, ice cream, bubblegum vodka, and someone DID stick it in the mashed potatoes. just kidding.
Tuesday the 27th
Got my hair touched up by Ms. Debi, and as I was leaving, my GPS notified me that all roads north (aka back home) were RED. It was raining, it was getting dark, traffic was a mess. I had a No Mas coupon in my purse. So I went to No Mas. Called a few friends, and Holly, Ben, and later Erika met me there. Woo hoo! more early birthday fun. Drove home much later, after traffic died down.
Thursday the 29th
Matt took me out for dinner at Season's 52. Later Erika came by with some Bitch Bubbly (that I didn't know existed, but I was pleased to discover), and we had some cocktails before bedtime.
Friday we missed our friend Walter's party, but we were "plum-tuckered-out!"
Saturday the 31st
Erika's 80s Themed Halloween Party: Ben's Photos Tom's Photos Matt's Photos
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Californication-ary measures
Ok please please don't tell my wine club I did this. It's truly a sacrilege.
The "oh-crap-we-are-out-of-vinegar" dressing
1/2 cup red wine
1/4 cup olive oil
handful of pitted/cured black olives
dash of soy sauce to taste
dash of lemon juice to taste
1 empty glass container with lid (or plastic equivalent with lid)
Directions: Using a coffee mug, heat the red wine in the microwave for 30 seconds. Immediately add 3-4 cubes of ice, stir until ice melts. Pour wine mixture into empty container. Add Olive Oil. add olives. muddle the olives. Add soy sauce and lemon juice. Put lid on container and close tightly. Shake mixture vigorously. Pour some of it over salad, toss salad. enjoy! Save the rest of the dressing for future emergencies? Also gives the wine time to ferment some more. ha!
How did this emergency recipe come about?
We were getting ready for a nice dinner. The spaghetti squash "noodles" were hot, the chicken/spaghetti sauce simmering, and the fresh spinach leaf, red onion, cucumber, feta cheese salad was ready to be dressed. Then it hit me, CRAP I'm out of vinegar dressing!!!
So, I experimented and lucked out. The hubby says he likes my "new" dressing better than balsalmic vinegar or red wine vinegar from the store. well okay then!
In other news, we've recently become addicted to the show "Californication" and are knee-deep in Season 2. At this rate, we'll have finished more TV episodes than bottles of wine so far this year. Dare I say that aloud? LOL.
The "oh-crap-we-are-out-of-vinegar" dressing
1/2 cup red wine
1/4 cup olive oil
handful of pitted/cured black olives
dash of soy sauce to taste
dash of lemon juice to taste
1 empty glass container with lid (or plastic equivalent with lid)
Directions: Using a coffee mug, heat the red wine in the microwave for 30 seconds. Immediately add 3-4 cubes of ice, stir until ice melts. Pour wine mixture into empty container. Add Olive Oil. add olives. muddle the olives. Add soy sauce and lemon juice. Put lid on container and close tightly. Shake mixture vigorously. Pour some of it over salad, toss salad. enjoy! Save the rest of the dressing for future emergencies? Also gives the wine time to ferment some more. ha!
How did this emergency recipe come about?
We were getting ready for a nice dinner. The spaghetti squash "noodles" were hot, the chicken/spaghetti sauce simmering, and the fresh spinach leaf, red onion, cucumber, feta cheese salad was ready to be dressed. Then it hit me, CRAP I'm out of vinegar dressing!!!
So, I experimented and lucked out. The hubby says he likes my "new" dressing better than balsalmic vinegar or red wine vinegar from the store. well okay then!
In other news, we've recently become addicted to the show "Californication" and are knee-deep in Season 2. At this rate, we'll have finished more TV episodes than bottles of wine so far this year. Dare I say that aloud? LOL.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
The Mad Month of October
As Autumn rushes in and takes us all by surprise (well it surprised me anyway), so enters in a mad rush of social activities, chaotic rescheduling, and the continual need to grab the white-out to fill in my calendar. Yes I have an online one, but figuratively speaking, it's still a PITA (pain in the *ss) when stuff gets moved the last minute. and literally I mean the last minute.
The Midtown Fall Crawl was just wonderful. We tried food at many different restaurants, and discovered new places with great views. Among our favorite views: The Peachtree Club and Pacci's roof top deck. They actually have a screen porch around the bar. wow! We also had some amazing sushi at Silk and Steel respectively. Will have to return at a later date when we can fully indulge in their various glories!
Le Flash was fun also. My favorite part was "pour" at the end. In the adjoining lot near Elliot Street Pub, they did an Iron Pour. Yes, several (appropriately clad) folks, melted down iron into a liquid hot magma, and very carefully poured it onto metalwork/molds/etc. in the name of Art! At the very end of the night, they poured the liquid fire onto an ice sculpture. It promptly exploded in a beautiful arc of fire and ice over our heads. Like the iron-pour-virgin I was, we were standing only 2nd row away from this wonderful madness, and the entire crowd started moving slowly backwards to get away from the hailing fire. Matt has a small burn on his shoulder (yes it burned a hole in his nice shirt), and he even fell backwards over another person (who crouched down from the flames, but accidentally tripped him). Bruised tailbone, slightly scraped elbow. Small prices to pay for experience, right? LOL. However, I was unharmed. It was an awe-inspiring event. I haven't been so exhilarated since going to the Cedar Point amusement park and riding the roller coasters. Matt was totally hyped also. We had a blast!
In other news, Pardon me, but I really had a moment of p*ssed-off-ness and here goes:
Rant 1: October is an extremely busy month for me, let alone the rest of the world. The last 30 years have taught me that my Birthday Party will forever be competing with Halloween (damn it all to hell), and the last 4 years taught me that 4 Bulgarian friends have birthdays before and after mine, which causes even more scheduling pressure. There are several festivals and in-town events this month, and October is also one of the busiest wedding months of the year. Add all of that pot-of-trouble together, and you start learning ways to cope. With deference to my friends, I suggested to their matriach, that we perhaps host one huge birthday bash for all the birthday people. However, I did not hear back from her, and the time pressure was cooking. So, my roommate (being one of the birthday peeps) and I decided we wanted to party our way, and over 1 month in advance, we sent out our Evite. Not only would this give us dibs (I hope) on the schedules of our nearest and dearest, but also give them enough time to plan accordingly (aka: arrange for a sitter, or other conflict mitigation, as needed). Well, well, well, 2 people beeotched at me about it. Yes they are still coming to the party (good), but they had to beeotch at me (not good). One even gave me heck for being "too early" with my planning. *** Silly rabbit, there is no such thing as planning ahead too early. *** Haven't you heard? The early bird gets the worm. Prior planning prevents piss poor performance. And other such quotes. I know not everybody in my life plans ahead as well as I do. However, that doesn't mean you should rain on my parade. At the very least, give me credit for thinking ahead, and not doing the mad desperate scramble of schedule balancing at the very last minute. I want to actually relax on my birthday this year. Thank-you-very-much!
Sheesh, what is the point of having a calendar if you aren't going to use it?
Rant 2: I was all geared up for an event tomorrow night, and suddenly it's been rescheduled to next week. Well unfortunately, my Small Biz group meets next week, and I'd already committed to that one. and Small Biz gives you 1 months' notice. So crap, I can sort of do both, but I will be super late to said-event next week.
Let me just say: It's not such a bad thing if something gets rescheduled once in a blue moon. But it's damned annoying when things are rescheduled or cancelled about 3 times in the last 3 months, and it almost seems as if this monthly event will never get back on track. We meet monthly for heaven's sake. how hard is it to be free 1 day a month for the sake of FUN not even for Duty, for fun? ok rant off.
The Midtown Fall Crawl was just wonderful. We tried food at many different restaurants, and discovered new places with great views. Among our favorite views: The Peachtree Club and Pacci's roof top deck. They actually have a screen porch around the bar. wow! We also had some amazing sushi at Silk and Steel respectively. Will have to return at a later date when we can fully indulge in their various glories!
Le Flash was fun also. My favorite part was "pour" at the end. In the adjoining lot near Elliot Street Pub, they did an Iron Pour. Yes, several (appropriately clad) folks, melted down iron into a liquid hot magma, and very carefully poured it onto metalwork/molds/etc. in the name of Art! At the very end of the night, they poured the liquid fire onto an ice sculpture. It promptly exploded in a beautiful arc of fire and ice over our heads. Like the iron-pour-virgin I was, we were standing only 2nd row away from this wonderful madness, and the entire crowd started moving slowly backwards to get away from the hailing fire. Matt has a small burn on his shoulder (yes it burned a hole in his nice shirt), and he even fell backwards over another person (who crouched down from the flames, but accidentally tripped him). Bruised tailbone, slightly scraped elbow. Small prices to pay for experience, right? LOL. However, I was unharmed. It was an awe-inspiring event. I haven't been so exhilarated since going to the Cedar Point amusement park and riding the roller coasters. Matt was totally hyped also. We had a blast!
In other news, Pardon me, but I really had a moment of p*ssed-off-ness and here goes:
Rant 1: October is an extremely busy month for me, let alone the rest of the world. The last 30 years have taught me that my Birthday Party will forever be competing with Halloween (damn it all to hell), and the last 4 years taught me that 4 Bulgarian friends have birthdays before and after mine, which causes even more scheduling pressure. There are several festivals and in-town events this month, and October is also one of the busiest wedding months of the year. Add all of that pot-of-trouble together, and you start learning ways to cope. With deference to my friends, I suggested to their matriach, that we perhaps host one huge birthday bash for all the birthday people. However, I did not hear back from her, and the time pressure was cooking. So, my roommate (being one of the birthday peeps) and I decided we wanted to party our way, and over 1 month in advance, we sent out our Evite. Not only would this give us dibs (I hope) on the schedules of our nearest and dearest, but also give them enough time to plan accordingly (aka: arrange for a sitter, or other conflict mitigation, as needed). Well, well, well, 2 people beeotched at me about it. Yes they are still coming to the party (good), but they had to beeotch at me (not good). One even gave me heck for being "too early" with my planning. *** Silly rabbit, there is no such thing as planning ahead too early. *** Haven't you heard? The early bird gets the worm. Prior planning prevents piss poor performance. And other such quotes. I know not everybody in my life plans ahead as well as I do. However, that doesn't mean you should rain on my parade. At the very least, give me credit for thinking ahead, and not doing the mad desperate scramble of schedule balancing at the very last minute. I want to actually relax on my birthday this year. Thank-you-very-much!
Sheesh, what is the point of having a calendar if you aren't going to use it?
Rant 2: I was all geared up for an event tomorrow night, and suddenly it's been rescheduled to next week. Well unfortunately, my Small Biz group meets next week, and I'd already committed to that one. and Small Biz gives you 1 months' notice. So crap, I can sort of do both, but I will be super late to said-event next week.
Let me just say: It's not such a bad thing if something gets rescheduled once in a blue moon. But it's damned annoying when things are rescheduled or cancelled about 3 times in the last 3 months, and it almost seems as if this monthly event will never get back on track. We meet monthly for heaven's sake. how hard is it to be free 1 day a month for the sake of FUN not even for Duty, for fun? ok rant off.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Vampires, Vino, and Vivaciousness
Go figure, we traded our Weeds "addiction" for True Blood. We borrowed season 1 from a friend, and now we are knee deep in season 2.
Also, we spent most of the weekend on the Castleberry Hill Loft Tour. Matt went to Petite Le Mans for Saturday, but then Sunday he came with me on the tour. There were some AMAZING lofts this time, as usual. I had a total inspirational blast!
At No Mas (for lunch both days) I tried the Cielo Blanco tequila, and also decided the best flavor I was in the mood for was cheese enchiladas smothered in Mole sauce. mmm!
Tonight we're off to the Midtown Fall Crawl. Mmmm!
Friday it's time for Le Flash! The kick off for Atlanta Celebrates Photography - ACP 11. There will be live dancers, performance art, light shows, etc. Pretty big deal. From what I was reading, "Le Flash" is one of the first events of this nature for the USA. Overseas similar shows are called "Nuit Blanche" and it's held in Paris, Toronto, Tokyo, and Berlin, etc. I'm super excited that not only is such an event here in our country, but also in our beloved Castleberry Hill neighborhood.
Over the weekend we are possibly stopping by the Norcross Arts Fest and getting a temporary new leather couch! I say temporary, because we will sort of be house-sitting it for a while, it's not ours to keep, but it will probably be around for a year. Friend of ours currently has no room in her home for it, but won't have space for 1 yr or so, so we offered to borrow it. This is perfect timing as I have been wanting a new couch for some time now, and this is a way to try out a leather couch without the committment. Woo hoo!
Next week is Wine Club for Barbera. Mmm! That's a new varietal for me! I can't wait to try it!
October is just HAPPENIN'! TTYL!
Also, we spent most of the weekend on the Castleberry Hill Loft Tour. Matt went to Petite Le Mans for Saturday, but then Sunday he came with me on the tour. There were some AMAZING lofts this time, as usual. I had a total inspirational blast!
At No Mas (for lunch both days) I tried the Cielo Blanco tequila, and also decided the best flavor I was in the mood for was cheese enchiladas smothered in Mole sauce. mmm!
Tonight we're off to the Midtown Fall Crawl. Mmmm!
Friday it's time for Le Flash! The kick off for Atlanta Celebrates Photography - ACP 11. There will be live dancers, performance art, light shows, etc. Pretty big deal. From what I was reading, "Le Flash" is one of the first events of this nature for the USA. Overseas similar shows are called "Nuit Blanche" and it's held in Paris, Toronto, Tokyo, and Berlin, etc. I'm super excited that not only is such an event here in our country, but also in our beloved Castleberry Hill neighborhood.
Over the weekend we are possibly stopping by the Norcross Arts Fest and getting a temporary new leather couch! I say temporary, because we will sort of be house-sitting it for a while, it's not ours to keep, but it will probably be around for a year. Friend of ours currently has no room in her home for it, but won't have space for 1 yr or so, so we offered to borrow it. This is perfect timing as I have been wanting a new couch for some time now, and this is a way to try out a leather couch without the committment. Woo hoo!
Next week is Wine Club for Barbera. Mmm! That's a new varietal for me! I can't wait to try it!
October is just HAPPENIN'! TTYL!
castleberry hill loft tour,
le flash,
Norcross Arts Fest,
true blood,
Friday, September 25, 2009
In Limbo
Well, we finished watching Weeds. BTW don't read the entire Wiki entry it HAS SPOILERS! but we watched it, ALL of it! Season 3 disks one and 2 came in the Netflix mail, so we plowed through that in 2 evenings. Then, yes, sadly, I ran to Blockbuster and got the rest of Season 3 and all of season 4 on Saturday afternoon. And by Tuesday (impatient me) we even finagled (?) the cable company to give us Showtime for free for 6 months so we could watch Season 5, which we tore through by Wednesday night. All I can say is "Croquet Mallet? SWEET!" Now, how will I wait until 2010 to see Season 6? it's pure torture!
Shock of the day - Jenji Kohan is a woman. WOW, for some weird reason I assumed the show was written by an Asian dude. Whoops! We figured this out after watching the special features on one of the Weeds DVDs.
So why do I love the show so much? WITTY DIALOGUE, FABULOUS acting, HILARIOUSness, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Watch some (if you have Netflix, you can watch Season 1 and 2 entirely on the instant play online). Not to mention all the little nuances and innuendos and double meanings. The town they lived in was called Agrestic. If you look it up, that word means "uncouth" - HA!
The weekend was mostly indoors watching Weeds (due to the crappy weather we had been having), but on Saturday I managed to escape up to Bahama Breeze for lunch with my mother-and-sister-in-law. Fish Tacos - yum!
Found some cheeeeapy sunglasses to replace my stolen/missing/walked-off-on-their-own pairs from previous blog post. Charlotte Russe has them 2 for $10. You can't beat that! I got a plastic black pair, and a plastic Mauvey/Yellow pair. So far so good! They also have some awesome funky rings 2 for $8. I got some nice flowery ones. Spiffy!

We ran out of Centenario Rosangel Tequila yesterday. I tried to find another bottle, but even the best package store in town didn't have it. DARN! I will have to keep looking. If you see one, buy it for me? I will gladly reimburse you!
We signed up for a YMCA membership (well I renewed mine, but added Matt on there). We've gone about 5 times in 2 weeks, which is pretty darn good. I'd like to get to the point where I go EVERY morning (except not weekends assuming I'm doing something else active on weekends). My right leg was super sore last night though, so I took it easy today.
New obsession (other than working out in the mornings) is True Blood. Matt is just totally in love with the oboe music that comes on anytime there's a scene with Bill the vampire. I just like the storyline, the lighting, etc. Very interesting! Perfect timing before Halloween too!
In Limbo: waiting for Weeds Season 6, waiting for more Rosangel, waiting, waiting, waiting. I hate waiting. :-D
Shock of the day - Jenji Kohan is a woman. WOW, for some weird reason I assumed the show was written by an Asian dude. Whoops! We figured this out after watching the special features on one of the Weeds DVDs.
So why do I love the show so much? WITTY DIALOGUE, FABULOUS acting, HILARIOUSness, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Watch some (if you have Netflix, you can watch Season 1 and 2 entirely on the instant play online). Not to mention all the little nuances and innuendos and double meanings. The town they lived in was called Agrestic. If you look it up, that word means "uncouth" - HA!
The weekend was mostly indoors watching Weeds (due to the crappy weather we had been having), but on Saturday I managed to escape up to Bahama Breeze for lunch with my mother-and-sister-in-law. Fish Tacos - yum!
Found some cheeeeapy sunglasses to replace my stolen/missing/walked-off-on-their-own pairs from previous blog post. Charlotte Russe has them 2 for $10. You can't beat that! I got a plastic black pair, and a plastic Mauvey/Yellow pair. So far so good! They also have some awesome funky rings 2 for $8. I got some nice flowery ones. Spiffy!

We ran out of Centenario Rosangel Tequila yesterday. I tried to find another bottle, but even the best package store in town didn't have it. DARN! I will have to keep looking. If you see one, buy it for me? I will gladly reimburse you!
We signed up for a YMCA membership (well I renewed mine, but added Matt on there). We've gone about 5 times in 2 weeks, which is pretty darn good. I'd like to get to the point where I go EVERY morning (except not weekends assuming I'm doing something else active on weekends). My right leg was super sore last night though, so I took it easy today.
New obsession (other than working out in the mornings) is True Blood. Matt is just totally in love with the oboe music that comes on anytime there's a scene with Bill the vampire. I just like the storyline, the lighting, etc. Very interesting! Perfect timing before Halloween too!
In Limbo: waiting for Weeds Season 6, waiting for more Rosangel, waiting, waiting, waiting. I hate waiting. :-D
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Office - Premiere's TONITE!
Friday night, happy hour at Tijuana Joe's to celebrate Jeff's new job! Jeff's one of Matt's co-workers. They decided to do shots named after girls, so we did the "Dirty Girl Scout" and "Red-Headed Slut" shots. This while I'm trying to sip a cultured and fancy bit of tequila. Thank goodness we went home right afterwards!
Saturday I took Sport to the Red Bandanna for a "Dog Wash for Charity" event. He basically "took one for the team" and had a bath there. He hates baths. And then the money we paid for the bath went towards the AHIMSA House charity. YAY Sport! you did a good deed today!
Saturday night was girls' night out at TAP. Yummy! We were hanging out with Ruth's sister who just returned from Swaziland and the Peace Corps. She mentioned another Peace Corps buddy was coming, and guess what? It was a girl I hadn't seen in years! Maggie! So we all caught up and had a nice bite to eat. What a small world. I had no idea these girls all knew one another.
Sunday we went to a friend's house to watch Formula 1 Monza (Italy), and dine on Italian food. Delish!
Sunday afternoon-evening, (after we got Alex hooked on it too), we continued watching Weeds. We got all the way through the last episode of Season 2, and then AHHH! IT was a CLIFFHANGER! We all voted to watch just the first episode of Season 3, so we could actually sleep (even though it was LATE for a Sunday night). But lo and behold, Netflix doesn't have Season 3 on instant play. ARG! So we had to put it at the top of our queue and wait a few days to get it in the mail. NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Tuesday we had a surprise/impromptu dinner with an old friend (our dear Kymry) who is finally back from Boreway (aka Norway). We dined on scallops in basil pesto sauce and beef marinara sauce for the carnivores in the house, spinach salad, and lots of vino (of course).
Wednesday, we had another impromptu opportunity to see her again before she left town, so I went over and we did girl's night at her friend's house. YAY for KY! I do hope she settles down into her new job soon, so we can plan visits and all that jazz.
The OFFICE Premiere's tonight! I'm super excited about this.
Weeds Season 3 has arrived, so it's ON like Donkey-Kong!
Saturday I took Sport to the Red Bandanna for a "Dog Wash for Charity" event. He basically "took one for the team" and had a bath there. He hates baths. And then the money we paid for the bath went towards the AHIMSA House charity. YAY Sport! you did a good deed today!
Saturday night was girls' night out at TAP. Yummy! We were hanging out with Ruth's sister who just returned from Swaziland and the Peace Corps. She mentioned another Peace Corps buddy was coming, and guess what? It was a girl I hadn't seen in years! Maggie! So we all caught up and had a nice bite to eat. What a small world. I had no idea these girls all knew one another.
Sunday we went to a friend's house to watch Formula 1 Monza (Italy), and dine on Italian food. Delish!
Sunday afternoon-evening, (after we got Alex hooked on it too), we continued watching Weeds. We got all the way through the last episode of Season 2, and then AHHH! IT was a CLIFFHANGER! We all voted to watch just the first episode of Season 3, so we could actually sleep (even though it was LATE for a Sunday night). But lo and behold, Netflix doesn't have Season 3 on instant play. ARG! So we had to put it at the top of our queue and wait a few days to get it in the mail. NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Tuesday we had a surprise/impromptu dinner with an old friend (our dear Kymry) who is finally back from Boreway (aka Norway). We dined on scallops in basil pesto sauce and beef marinara sauce for the carnivores in the house, spinach salad, and lots of vino (of course).
Wednesday, we had another impromptu opportunity to see her again before she left town, so I went over and we did girl's night at her friend's house. YAY for KY! I do hope she settles down into her new job soon, so we can plan visits and all that jazz.
The OFFICE Premiere's tonight! I'm super excited about this.
Weeds Season 3 has arrived, so it's ON like Donkey-Kong!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Flavio "Piquet" a tattletale driver?
Nelson Piquet's Statement.
"It's believed that Symonds and Briatore aren't disputing the fact that they had a discussion about a deliberate accident to assist Alonso, but are adamant that it was Piquet Junior's own idea and they didn't ask him to do it.
Piquet's claim is understood to be that Symonds and Briatore asked him to crash to bring out the Safety Car. So there seems to be little dispute at all that it was a pre-arranged accident, the only area of contention is - did he jump or was he pushed"
Pat Symonds (Renault technical director) looks like he doesn't want to answer specific questions. Not looking good.....
Nelson Piquet's Statement.
"It's believed that Symonds and Briatore aren't disputing the fact that they had a discussion about a deliberate accident to assist Alonso, but are adamant that it was Piquet Junior's own idea and they didn't ask him to do it.
Piquet's claim is understood to be that Symonds and Briatore asked him to crash to bring out the Safety Car. So there seems to be little dispute at all that it was a pre-arranged accident, the only area of contention is - did he jump or was he pushed"
Pat Symonds (Renault technical director) looks like he doesn't want to answer specific questions. Not looking good.....
The Case of the Missing Sunglasses
Ok Nancy Drewz and Hardy Boyz - if you see my sunglasses, gimma a hollah! More on that later.
Thursday - we were invited to go see Inglourious Basterds with some friends. I'm a huge Quentin fan, and I enjoyed the movie, although I was confused about the ending. Up until then, I had no idea this was an "alternate history" and not "based on a true story" - hmmmm. If that had been real history, WOW! Matt said he was bored with it. I guess everyone had a different take on it. Oh well.
Friday afternoon - Impromptu happy hour with coworkers at Con Sal. The bartender there was out of my dear Rosangel, but he is designing a new "Tequila Flights" menu for tastings, and he gave me small samples of Corazon Anejo, Chinaco Blanco, and then of course I had some Asombroso. The Chinaco Blanco was very unique. He described it (and I agreed) as having essence of Sandalwood, and then afterwards your tongue tingles. Sort of like a minty freshness but not a minty flavor. Love it!
Friday night, we had the lovely pleasure of dining at Mina & Chris's house. We dined on shrimp cocktail, salad, butternut squash, marinated spicy beef yakitori, grilled asparagus, grilled peppers, and later tiramisu. Then of course we paired each part of dinner with different imbiberies, such as Sauvignon Blanc from Marlbourough, Red Wine, Rakia, and a small tasting of Centenario Rosangel. Pure Delishioushness!! There goes my diet again. darn it. but I'm not "really" complaining. ;-D
Saturday, I slept in (sore back), while Matt biked on his new bicycle for 13 miles. Boy did I feel lazy, but it was worth it to get that rest. Then, Matt & I headed to Get Coffee for some light breakfast, then met up with our dear friends The Blairs and another friend Jeff for some Bone Garden fare. What-do-you-know? Bone Garden had Chinaco Blanco, so I introduced Matt to the minty freshness. Bone Garden is known for it's EXCELLENT and REAL Mexican food (corn masa, tamales, etc). Thankfully, the menu is mostly tapas style, so you can order little bits of everything and share. Very educational! The Blairs' daughter Ella was there (she's 10-12 months old (something like that)) and just CHERUBIC! We had a blast hanging out with her. She's such a good-natured, all-around pleasant baby! Then we hit Sam Flax (Matt has taken up sketching and needed supplies), and then we had a lovely nap at home.
Saturday evening, we took a bouquet of roses over to Baba Stefka's birthday party. Baba Stefka is our dear friend Stefka's grandmother, who lives with Stefka's parents here, and she turned 88. Wow! Much Bulgarian feasting and fun was had by all.
Sunday, Matt was trying some new lighting techniques, and so I dressed up for a short photo shoot. He's going for cinamatic-style photos now. Photos that sort of tell a story or hint that more is going on outside the frame. He was inspired by a scene in Inglourious Basterds when Shosanna is in a red dress, looking out of the cinema and down onto the Nazi's below with a myriad of emotions in her expression. I did the shoot but channelling more of a "Ashley Judd in DeLovely" sort of mood.
Sunday afternoon, we had an online meeting for the Staff of The Voyeur Magazine to discuss upcoming issues, articles, ideas, etc. Very fun!
Sunday evening
We went to McPherson Beach for some End of Summer Party. Mina & Chris & baby were there, and Erika & Ben came along also. I got to play with the baby quite a bit to give the parents a break. :-D. If you have never heard of "MacBeach" as it is called, you have to see it. A wonderful, and quite eligible bachelor friend of ours has made a beach PARADISE in his back yard. Click on the link to see photos and the documented history of his imaginative and creative Oasis.
Monday, Erika and Ben had slept over with Radley (Sport's girlfriend), and I made green chile breakfast burritos smothered in ranchero sauce and sour cream. New Mexico Pinon Coffee was the order of the morning also. Yum! Later, our friend/model Ruth and her sister stopped by for a visit. Ruth's sister is fresh out of the Peace Corps from Swaziland. Interesting to pick her brain about Swaziland and all of the drama over there.
Erika came back for a brief visit, and then we were off to Cafe Intermezzo to close out the evening.
I must be losing my mind, but I had 2 pairs of sunglasses in the glove box of my car. Both were in individual black drawstring bags. One pair of sunglasses was black/grey animal print style, and the other pair was a maroon/blush color. I know I wore the maroon pair on Saturday when I had lunch at Bone Garden, and I remember putting the sunglasses back into the glove box and into it's special bag - that evening on the way to Baba Stefka's party. Both pairs were in the glove box at that time. However, Tuesday morning, when I looked into the glove box, both pairs of sunglasses and black bags are missing. I totally do not remember bringing them into the house, or taking them to Dave's. I wore a different pair to Dave's. SO WEIRD that they are just GONE. Matt says perhaps I forgot to lock my car when we went to Cafe Intermezzo, and perhaps someone got into the car but just took the sunglasses. It's true that nothing else valuable was in my vehicle. I travel light I guess. C'est la vie. At least they were only 2 pairs of $10 glasses each, so I'm only down $20 I suppose. Darn it. I really really liked the maroon ones. Damn!
Thursday - we were invited to go see Inglourious Basterds with some friends. I'm a huge Quentin fan, and I enjoyed the movie, although I was confused about the ending. Up until then, I had no idea this was an "alternate history" and not "based on a true story" - hmmmm. If that had been real history, WOW! Matt said he was bored with it. I guess everyone had a different take on it. Oh well.
Friday afternoon - Impromptu happy hour with coworkers at Con Sal. The bartender there was out of my dear Rosangel, but he is designing a new "Tequila Flights" menu for tastings, and he gave me small samples of Corazon Anejo, Chinaco Blanco, and then of course I had some Asombroso. The Chinaco Blanco was very unique. He described it (and I agreed) as having essence of Sandalwood, and then afterwards your tongue tingles. Sort of like a minty freshness but not a minty flavor. Love it!
Friday night, we had the lovely pleasure of dining at Mina & Chris's house. We dined on shrimp cocktail, salad, butternut squash, marinated spicy beef yakitori, grilled asparagus, grilled peppers, and later tiramisu. Then of course we paired each part of dinner with different imbiberies, such as Sauvignon Blanc from Marlbourough, Red Wine, Rakia, and a small tasting of Centenario Rosangel. Pure Delishioushness!! There goes my diet again. darn it. but I'm not "really" complaining. ;-D
Saturday, I slept in (sore back), while Matt biked on his new bicycle for 13 miles. Boy did I feel lazy, but it was worth it to get that rest. Then, Matt & I headed to Get Coffee for some light breakfast, then met up with our dear friends The Blairs and another friend Jeff for some Bone Garden fare. What-do-you-know? Bone Garden had Chinaco Blanco, so I introduced Matt to the minty freshness. Bone Garden is known for it's EXCELLENT and REAL Mexican food (corn masa, tamales, etc). Thankfully, the menu is mostly tapas style, so you can order little bits of everything and share. Very educational! The Blairs' daughter Ella was there (she's 10-12 months old (something like that)) and just CHERUBIC! We had a blast hanging out with her. She's such a good-natured, all-around pleasant baby! Then we hit Sam Flax (Matt has taken up sketching and needed supplies), and then we had a lovely nap at home.
Saturday evening, we took a bouquet of roses over to Baba Stefka's birthday party. Baba Stefka is our dear friend Stefka's grandmother, who lives with Stefka's parents here, and she turned 88. Wow! Much Bulgarian feasting and fun was had by all.
Sunday, Matt was trying some new lighting techniques, and so I dressed up for a short photo shoot. He's going for cinamatic-style photos now. Photos that sort of tell a story or hint that more is going on outside the frame. He was inspired by a scene in Inglourious Basterds when Shosanna is in a red dress, looking out of the cinema and down onto the Nazi's below with a myriad of emotions in her expression. I did the shoot but channelling more of a "Ashley Judd in DeLovely" sort of mood.
Sunday afternoon, we had an online meeting for the Staff of The Voyeur Magazine to discuss upcoming issues, articles, ideas, etc. Very fun!
Sunday evening
We went to McPherson Beach for some End of Summer Party. Mina & Chris & baby were there, and Erika & Ben came along also. I got to play with the baby quite a bit to give the parents a break. :-D. If you have never heard of "MacBeach" as it is called, you have to see it. A wonderful, and quite eligible bachelor friend of ours has made a beach PARADISE in his back yard. Click on the link to see photos and the documented history of his imaginative and creative Oasis.
Monday, Erika and Ben had slept over with Radley (Sport's girlfriend), and I made green chile breakfast burritos smothered in ranchero sauce and sour cream. New Mexico Pinon Coffee was the order of the morning also. Yum! Later, our friend/model Ruth and her sister stopped by for a visit. Ruth's sister is fresh out of the Peace Corps from Swaziland. Interesting to pick her brain about Swaziland and all of the drama over there.
Erika came back for a brief visit, and then we were off to Cafe Intermezzo to close out the evening.
I must be losing my mind, but I had 2 pairs of sunglasses in the glove box of my car. Both were in individual black drawstring bags. One pair of sunglasses was black/grey animal print style, and the other pair was a maroon/blush color. I know I wore the maroon pair on Saturday when I had lunch at Bone Garden, and I remember putting the sunglasses back into the glove box and into it's special bag - that evening on the way to Baba Stefka's party. Both pairs were in the glove box at that time. However, Tuesday morning, when I looked into the glove box, both pairs of sunglasses and black bags are missing. I totally do not remember bringing them into the house, or taking them to Dave's. I wore a different pair to Dave's. SO WEIRD that they are just GONE. Matt says perhaps I forgot to lock my car when we went to Cafe Intermezzo, and perhaps someone got into the car but just took the sunglasses. It's true that nothing else valuable was in my vehicle. I travel light I guess. C'est la vie. At least they were only 2 pairs of $10 glasses each, so I'm only down $20 I suppose. Darn it. I really really liked the maroon ones. Damn!
bone garden,
inglourious basterds,
mcpherson beach,
Thursday, September 03, 2009
SPA, Art, and BBs Burgers
Not to be outdone by the other busy weekends this month... Last weekend was no exception.
Friday we celebrated 2 co-worker's birthdays with lunch at BB's Burgers. I had the Bison Burger with PepperJack Cheese, and a few onion rings/sweet potato fries.
Later that evening Matt and I drove down to Castleberry Hill for the Art Stroll. We went early so we could visit one of our favorite galleries. Of the entire stroll, our favorite pieces could be seen at the Besharat Gallery Exhibition for Merab Gagiladze. Then we went over to No Mas for dinner with friends. As seems to be the recent case with every Tequila Bar I hit, they were out of the Centenario Roseangel, so we each had a sipping shotglass of the Centenario Anejo. Later I switched over to the Asombroso La Rosa Reposado (my 2nd fave tequila) and Matt decided he wanted the Cabo Wabo Anejo. We had a lovely dinner with friends, and then we went over to Elliott Street Pub to see what was going on. You may or may not know, the APG or Atlanta Photographer's Guild meets every other week at the Elliott St. Pub, and it is (in and of itself as well as nearby several) prime photography location(s). Although, we weren't there on an APG meet night, we were able to show our friends, the lovely view of the city from an old abandoned bridge. Trains still go under the bridge, and it appears to be in stable condition (for walking), not so sure if I'd ever drive on it. The moon was shining down on us all, and (although it may be a local secret), they do let you carry your drinks with you while you are near the pub (on the bridge, etc). I was at least somewhat smart enough to have switched to water by this hour of the evening, but it was still a lovely night to be outside. It is just now starting to cool off a little bit in ATL.
Saturday was the Taste of Chamblee and the Grant Park Summer Shade Festival. Matthew surprised me this week by buying himself a bicycle, and has actually been riding it nearly every morning. Saturday morning, he even got up EARLY to meet a friend and go riding on a local biking trail. I was shocked albeit pleased to see him working out again. Not to be outdone, I walked the dog down to the lake and back. YAY for health! After he returned home, I made him some breakfast with Kona Coffee (thank you Erika and Ben!), and then we ran some errands, etc.
Saturday evening, we couldn't decide what to do, and very late in the dinner hour, I finally decided to whisk Matt off in the car to a new restaurant as a surprise. We went to Aomi in the Forum. Aomi is supposedly Japanese for Blue Ocean and YES you guessed it, they serve SUSHI! We had a lovely dinner, and then back home for movie night. We rented I Love You Man, and laughed our way to bedtime. In hindsight, yes we missed the festivals, but we also had a lovely day together.
Sunday was the big day for Formula 1 SPA-Francorchamps (or as I like to say "Frank-uh-shauuuun"). Everyone was very surprised that the Force India guy (whose name I will not even attempt to spell) got Pole in Qualifying on Saturday, so it was a "drama" filled race. As I was hosting a Belgian themed party in honor of the race, we did Belgian "burgers" (yeah like I'm going to serve Belgian mussels when 14 people are coming over. hee hee), Belgian Fries (french cut, thus they claim they created the "French Fry"), Godiva Belgian Chocolates (thank you Perimeter Mall!), and a smattering of Belgian "heavyweight" beers to sample. We decided since the beers themselves were each unique and expensive, we'd set them out with tasting cups, and let people try a bit of each. And then of course we had some "Hoegaarden" on hand. Silly us, we forgot Stella is also a Belgian beer. DOH! Anyhoo it was fun. In all the comraderie, I jokingly suggested we get that sparkling jello stuff to make "Fizzy Jello" in the shape of a "pole" for the Force India guy, but thankfully that was just an idea. I seriously don't own a jello mold, not to mention a POLE shaped one. ha ha ha ha. Anyway I digress. Lots of jokes when you have funny-named drivers and Belgian food. I think the naughty joke of the day was "honey can you put your Francorchamps in my Belgian Mussell?" yeah yeah yeah.
I also made a side salad of mixed greens, strawberries, and balsalmic vinegar dressing. For the ladies who did not drink beer, I made the "St. Hillaire-ious" (aka: Prosecco with a few drops of St. Germain liqueur, garnished with a strawberry.)
As so many of our parties often do, an afternoon lunch party turned into an evening party, and by the time all the Prosecco was gone, we ended up ordering pizza, playing Apples-to-Apples, and then watching Duplicity just before bedtime. Cute movie, but it was sort of missing something. hmm. Francorchamps? hahahahaha!
Monday it was back to the grindstone.
Tuesday, my dear friend Lee told me where she FINALLY found a place that sells Centenario Roseangel. So I went out on my lunch break and got me some!
Also, Tuesday I woke up with that very tired, achy, blah feeling, and was worried I was coming down with something. Nothing a little Airborn fizziness, echinacea, and liquids cannot fix. I promptly nipped that little bug in the bud. By evening-time I was feeling right as rain.
Alex made us dinner (Gorkem says this is now the 2nd time he has ever cooked for her). He is actually a very good cook, he just says he doesn't enjoy cooking, thus he does it rarely. He made us ground turkey spaghetti. It was spicier than most Spaghetti's I've had, but SUPER yummy. And then we had some Ferrer Roche (those Italian chocolate thingies) for dessert.
And to end the perfect evening - we watched another movie (of course). Have to use up my NetFlix right? We watched Taken with Liam Neeson. I am usually tense when I watch these kind of movies, but with Alex and Matt joking about the plot and how "lucky" Liam Neeson's character always seems to be, it helped me enjoy the movie without getting too involved in it.
I bet it was the spicy spaghetti, the small nip of tequila, and the wonderful Airborne/Echinacea that fixed my bug. I was feeling GREAT on Wednesday!
Friday we celebrated 2 co-worker's birthdays with lunch at BB's Burgers. I had the Bison Burger with PepperJack Cheese, and a few onion rings/sweet potato fries.
Later that evening Matt and I drove down to Castleberry Hill for the Art Stroll. We went early so we could visit one of our favorite galleries. Of the entire stroll, our favorite pieces could be seen at the Besharat Gallery Exhibition for Merab Gagiladze. Then we went over to No Mas for dinner with friends. As seems to be the recent case with every Tequila Bar I hit, they were out of the Centenario Roseangel, so we each had a sipping shotglass of the Centenario Anejo. Later I switched over to the Asombroso La Rosa Reposado (my 2nd fave tequila) and Matt decided he wanted the Cabo Wabo Anejo. We had a lovely dinner with friends, and then we went over to Elliott Street Pub to see what was going on. You may or may not know, the APG or Atlanta Photographer's Guild meets every other week at the Elliott St. Pub, and it is (in and of itself as well as nearby several) prime photography location(s). Although, we weren't there on an APG meet night, we were able to show our friends, the lovely view of the city from an old abandoned bridge. Trains still go under the bridge, and it appears to be in stable condition (for walking), not so sure if I'd ever drive on it. The moon was shining down on us all, and (although it may be a local secret), they do let you carry your drinks with you while you are near the pub (on the bridge, etc). I was at least somewhat smart enough to have switched to water by this hour of the evening, but it was still a lovely night to be outside. It is just now starting to cool off a little bit in ATL.
Saturday was the Taste of Chamblee and the Grant Park Summer Shade Festival. Matthew surprised me this week by buying himself a bicycle, and has actually been riding it nearly every morning. Saturday morning, he even got up EARLY to meet a friend and go riding on a local biking trail. I was shocked albeit pleased to see him working out again. Not to be outdone, I walked the dog down to the lake and back. YAY for health! After he returned home, I made him some breakfast with Kona Coffee (thank you Erika and Ben!), and then we ran some errands, etc.
Saturday evening, we couldn't decide what to do, and very late in the dinner hour, I finally decided to whisk Matt off in the car to a new restaurant as a surprise. We went to Aomi in the Forum. Aomi is supposedly Japanese for Blue Ocean and YES you guessed it, they serve SUSHI! We had a lovely dinner, and then back home for movie night. We rented I Love You Man, and laughed our way to bedtime. In hindsight, yes we missed the festivals, but we also had a lovely day together.
Sunday was the big day for Formula 1 SPA-Francorchamps (or as I like to say "Frank-uh-shauuuun"). Everyone was very surprised that the Force India guy (whose name I will not even attempt to spell) got Pole in Qualifying on Saturday, so it was a "drama" filled race. As I was hosting a Belgian themed party in honor of the race, we did Belgian "burgers" (yeah like I'm going to serve Belgian mussels when 14 people are coming over. hee hee), Belgian Fries (french cut, thus they claim they created the "French Fry"), Godiva Belgian Chocolates (thank you Perimeter Mall!), and a smattering of Belgian "heavyweight" beers to sample. We decided since the beers themselves were each unique and expensive, we'd set them out with tasting cups, and let people try a bit of each. And then of course we had some "Hoegaarden" on hand. Silly us, we forgot Stella is also a Belgian beer. DOH! Anyhoo it was fun. In all the comraderie, I jokingly suggested we get that sparkling jello stuff to make "Fizzy Jello" in the shape of a "pole" for the Force India guy, but thankfully that was just an idea. I seriously don't own a jello mold, not to mention a POLE shaped one. ha ha ha ha. Anyway I digress. Lots of jokes when you have funny-named drivers and Belgian food. I think the naughty joke of the day was "honey can you put your Francorchamps in my Belgian Mussell?" yeah yeah yeah.
I also made a side salad of mixed greens, strawberries, and balsalmic vinegar dressing. For the ladies who did not drink beer, I made the "St. Hillaire-ious" (aka: Prosecco with a few drops of St. Germain liqueur, garnished with a strawberry.)
As so many of our parties often do, an afternoon lunch party turned into an evening party, and by the time all the Prosecco was gone, we ended up ordering pizza, playing Apples-to-Apples, and then watching Duplicity just before bedtime. Cute movie, but it was sort of missing something. hmm. Francorchamps? hahahahaha!
Monday it was back to the grindstone.
Tuesday, my dear friend Lee told me where she FINALLY found a place that sells Centenario Roseangel. So I went out on my lunch break and got me some!
Also, Tuesday I woke up with that very tired, achy, blah feeling, and was worried I was coming down with something. Nothing a little Airborn fizziness, echinacea, and liquids cannot fix. I promptly nipped that little bug in the bud. By evening-time I was feeling right as rain.
Alex made us dinner (Gorkem says this is now the 2nd time he has ever cooked for her). He is actually a very good cook, he just says he doesn't enjoy cooking, thus he does it rarely. He made us ground turkey spaghetti. It was spicier than most Spaghetti's I've had, but SUPER yummy. And then we had some Ferrer Roche (those Italian chocolate thingies) for dessert.
And to end the perfect evening - we watched another movie (of course). Have to use up my NetFlix right? We watched Taken with Liam Neeson. I am usually tense when I watch these kind of movies, but with Alex and Matt joking about the plot and how "lucky" Liam Neeson's character always seems to be, it helped me enjoy the movie without getting too involved in it.
I bet it was the spicy spaghetti, the small nip of tequila, and the wonderful Airborne/Echinacea that fixed my bug. I was feeling GREAT on Wednesday!
Castleberry Hill Art Stroll,
movie weekend,
No Mas,
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Grilled Beef Gyros and other flavors of life
This Recipe is compliments of my own Auntie Julie.
1 Medium Onion Chunked
2 Garlic Cloves
2 Tbs Sugar
1 Tsp Ground Mustard
2 Tsp Fresh Ginger Minced
1 ½ Tsp Ground Black Pepper
½ Tsp Cayenne Pepper
½ Cup Soy Sauce
¼ Cup Water
Blend until smooth in blender or food processor.
2 Lbs Cubed Lean Sirloin or Round Steak
Mix marinade & meat & marinate for 24 hours.
Cucumber (Tzaziki) Sauce
1 Medium Cucumber Peeled, Seeded & Cut Into Chunks
4 Garlic Cloves
½ Tsp Sale
1/3 Cup Cider Vinegar
1/3 Cup Olive Oil
Blend until smooth in blender or food processor.
Drain meat & skewer on shish kabob skewers.
I add vegetables that will hold up on the grill. Tomatoes & potatoes are risky.
Cook on grill until done.
I use the Cucumber Sauce as a dip for the meat & veggies. You can also stuff pita halves with the meat & add tomatoes & onions & top with the Cucumber Sauce.
Abbie's variation (because she did not have time to follow the recipe prep exactly):
Buy 1 container of Trader Joe's Tzaziki Sauce (similar to Aunt Julie's but chunkier).
Buy 2 4oz Omaha Sirloin Steaks.
Defrost the Sirloin in bowl of hot water. While it's defrosting, Preheat the George Foreman Grill AND get a small bowl and shake the following spices into the bowl - it's all to taste, no measuring.
-Dried Minced Onion
-Ground Ginger
-Ground Black Pepper
-Cayenne Pepper
-Garlic Powder
Then get the Mustard and Soy Sauce out of the fridge for the next part.
When steaks are mostly defrosted, but still cold to the touch - lay them on a plate or in a flat bowl. Squirt a small amount (maybe a nickel size) Mustard, then soy sauce (use about 2 tblsp) on top the steaks. Massage with your fingertips. Use pressure so that not only will the flavors rub in, but the meat is getting tenderized. Turn steaks over and do the same on the other side.
Sprinkle dried spice mixture (from above) on to the steaks. Massage in the spices. Turn steaks over, repeat.
Put Steaks on George Forman Grill, cook to desired level of done-ness. Unplug Grill.
Place cooked steaks on plate, spoon Tzaziki sauce on side or on top of steaks.
Serves 2.
I did side salad of spinach leaves and strawberries in balsalmic vinagraitte dressing, and glass of Lodi Zinfandel Wine.
1 Medium Onion Chunked
2 Garlic Cloves
2 Tbs Sugar
1 Tsp Ground Mustard
2 Tsp Fresh Ginger Minced
1 ½ Tsp Ground Black Pepper
½ Tsp Cayenne Pepper
½ Cup Soy Sauce
¼ Cup Water
Blend until smooth in blender or food processor.
2 Lbs Cubed Lean Sirloin or Round Steak
Mix marinade & meat & marinate for 24 hours.
Cucumber (Tzaziki) Sauce
1 Medium Cucumber Peeled, Seeded & Cut Into Chunks
4 Garlic Cloves
½ Tsp Sale
1/3 Cup Cider Vinegar
1/3 Cup Olive Oil
Blend until smooth in blender or food processor.
Drain meat & skewer on shish kabob skewers.
I add vegetables that will hold up on the grill. Tomatoes & potatoes are risky.
Cook on grill until done.
I use the Cucumber Sauce as a dip for the meat & veggies. You can also stuff pita halves with the meat & add tomatoes & onions & top with the Cucumber Sauce.
Abbie's variation (because she did not have time to follow the recipe prep exactly):
Buy 1 container of Trader Joe's Tzaziki Sauce (similar to Aunt Julie's but chunkier).
Buy 2 4oz Omaha Sirloin Steaks.
Defrost the Sirloin in bowl of hot water. While it's defrosting, Preheat the George Foreman Grill AND get a small bowl and shake the following spices into the bowl - it's all to taste, no measuring.
-Dried Minced Onion
-Ground Ginger
-Ground Black Pepper
-Cayenne Pepper
-Garlic Powder
Then get the Mustard and Soy Sauce out of the fridge for the next part.
When steaks are mostly defrosted, but still cold to the touch - lay them on a plate or in a flat bowl. Squirt a small amount (maybe a nickel size) Mustard, then soy sauce (use about 2 tblsp) on top the steaks. Massage with your fingertips. Use pressure so that not only will the flavors rub in, but the meat is getting tenderized. Turn steaks over and do the same on the other side.
Sprinkle dried spice mixture (from above) on to the steaks. Massage in the spices. Turn steaks over, repeat.
Put Steaks on George Forman Grill, cook to desired level of done-ness. Unplug Grill.
Place cooked steaks on plate, spoon Tzaziki sauce on side or on top of steaks.
Serves 2.
I did side salad of spinach leaves and strawberries in balsalmic vinagraitte dressing, and glass of Lodi Zinfandel Wine.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hatch Green Chile and Revolutionary Road
Photo Credit
Soon after we discovered that Trader Joe's carries canned Hatch Green Chile, we started buying it and making all sorts of yummy foods. Target Super Center also carries Hatch Fire Roasted Ranchero Sauce and Green Chile Enchilada Sauce. We are in heaven! We started off Saturday with Huevos Rancheros. Then Saturday night I made my version of Matt's favorite recipe of Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas. It's similar to lasagna,baklava, or Trifle in that it is a layered dish. WARNING: This is not a meal for the calorie-shy.
1 bag of 4 inch round soft Corn Tortillas
2 cans Cream of Chicken Soup
2 16 oz bags of Shredded Mexican Cheeses
1.5 cans Hatch Green Chile Enchilada Sauce
2 cans of chunk chicken breast meat
Cumin (to taste)
1 small can of V8
Olive Oil
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In Medium sauce pan, mix cream of chicken soup, and Enchilada Sauce. Heat on med-low, stirring occasionally. Don't want to leave unattended, basically you are letting the flavors meld, and keeping it warm. I used only 1 can of sauce but I underestimated the cream of chicken muting the spicy flavor, so I would recommend using at least 1.5 cans of the enchilada sauce, or more (if you like it more spicy).
Meanwhile, In Skillet, pour in olive oil (enough for at least an 1/8 inch level in the skillet), heat to medium with lid partway on (cracked a little so it heats slowly). Once oil is hot enough, reduce heat to med-low. Using Tongs, soften the corn tortillas in oil. I just layed them in the pan, one at a time, turning once, letting it crackle a little and coating the tortillas, but not letting them get crispy. After done softening the tortillas, I put them in a bowl temporarily to cool off a bit. You may not actually get through the entire package of tortillas. I only used about 3/4's of the bag for my recipe - until the olive oil was mostly gone.
In the same skillet (the olive oil is mostly gone, so it's okay to keep the leftovers in there) reduce heat to low, pour in 1/2 can of V8, and add the canned chicken, sprinkle with ground cumin. Gently sautee the Chicken, letting the flavors meld. Seperate chunks into smaller pieces with spoon. Let simmer on low heat while you get to the next step.
Spray a 9x13 baking pan with non-stick spray. Coat the bottom of the pan with a bit of the enchilada sauce mixture. Tear the softened tortillas into strips, and add layer of tortillas to the baking pan. Scatter a layer of chicken pieces over the tortillas. Sprinkle shredded cheese layer over the chicken. Pour thin layer of enchilada sauce over the cheese. Repeat layers again - Tortillas, Chicken, Cheese, Sauce, and so on, until you are out of sauce. The top layer should be tortillas (to seal in the layers), and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top of the top tortilla layer.
Put pan in the oven - at 350 - for 25-30 minutes. Mixture should be bubbly and edges on the top layer of tortillas & cheese should be getting crisp. Set aside to cool for 10-15 minutes.
Serve in squares, garnish with sour cream and Ranchero or enchilada sauce (if desired). I did not realize how MUCH food this was going to be. There's at least 10 servings in one pan (it's now day 4 and we still haven't eaten it all!!!)
Recommended side dish would be Refried beans. I used large can of Kroger brand refried beans, but I heated it while adding salt and half n half cream - for better flavor.
We watched Revolutionary Road this weekend. It reminds me a LOT of Mad Men, except perhaps that they fight a lot more. In Mad Men everybody disagrees, but they argue more with glares, glances, and their eyes. Revolutionary Road is a bit more verbose in its arguing. Phenomenal performances by both Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. What a year for Kate! She was in The Reader AND this movie. It takes a special kind of person to pull off that emotional drama in one year without going slightly bonkers. Good for her! I know I couldn't have pulled it off.
Sunday we watched Formula 1 Valencia, and next weekend is Formula 1 SPA! Belgium!
Well this week is off to a good start. It's beginning to get cooler in the mornings and evenings, but the daytime hours are still blazing hot. I am looking forward to fall.
Formula 1,
green chile,
Mad Men,
movie night,
revolutionary road
Friday, August 21, 2009
I finally had the pleasure of watching De-Lovely. Words cannot express what an absolute joy it was to see a movie of such quality and talent. It was superbly edited, and the story flowed well with the music. I was quite impressed and highly HIGHLY recommend this movie about Cole Porter's music, life, and love. I was surprised to learn that I knew so much of his music already, and that he did Kiss Me Kate (one of my FAVE musicals) - can't you just hear them singing "So In Love" ?
I must have been one of those red lipped brunettes in a former life... considering I'm such a fan of musicals and Mad Men...
Also, just for fun and a quick pick-me-up (hey, work has been stressful), I also watched Confessions of a Shopaholic and He's Just Not That Into You.
We are also dog-sitting for Sport's girlfriend, Radley. She is a sweet puppy, and is mostly obedient, although she is very insistent when she wants to be petted. I do see a streak of selfishness in Sport though. He growls at her if she gets too close to his toys or if she beats him to the ball I threw for fetching. I'm trying to nip that behavior in the bud. I don't like having a possessive doggie. He isn't like that with humans though, thank goodness.
Matthew (the best husband in the whole world), took me out for dinner last night to this new place in Brookhaven called Valenza. It was absolutely delicious! Fabulous wine list too! We had a bottle of the Chianti Castiglioni Frescobaldi. I had swordfish over polenta with heirloom tomatoes, and Matthew had the seafood risotto nero. Dessert was Ricotta Zeppole. mmm heavenly!
I must have been one of those red lipped brunettes in a former life... considering I'm such a fan of musicals and Mad Men...
Also, just for fun and a quick pick-me-up (hey, work has been stressful), I also watched Confessions of a Shopaholic and He's Just Not That Into You.
We are also dog-sitting for Sport's girlfriend, Radley. She is a sweet puppy, and is mostly obedient, although she is very insistent when she wants to be petted. I do see a streak of selfishness in Sport though. He growls at her if she gets too close to his toys or if she beats him to the ball I threw for fetching. I'm trying to nip that behavior in the bud. I don't like having a possessive doggie. He isn't like that with humans though, thank goodness.
Matthew (the best husband in the whole world), took me out for dinner last night to this new place in Brookhaven called Valenza. It was absolutely delicious! Fabulous wine list too! We had a bottle of the Chianti Castiglioni Frescobaldi. I had swordfish over polenta with heirloom tomatoes, and Matthew had the seafood risotto nero. Dessert was Ricotta Zeppole. mmm heavenly!
Cole Porter,
dog sitting,
movie night,
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Mad Men returns
Last week was busy, I suppose busy as usual.
We had Wine Club - Viognier on Wednesday the 12th. It's a bit sweeter than I usually like my white wines (I prefer dry), but it was still a tasty varietal!
I'd also like to announce the Debut of the Twits Wine Club Blog. Enjoy!
Friday I took a day off to drive myself (and the doggie) up to visit Grandpa. We had a nice visit with him. Even Auntie Julie and Cousin Amy were there. Grandpa said he was feeling the best he had in a long time, so I am very glad of that.
Click for Photos of the trip.
Sunday I returned home just in time for a nice dinner (we had Filet Mignon steaks rubbed with Emeril's spices, fresh snap beans, broccoli, and cheesy potato balls), with a nice Bordeaux of course. And then, the big finale of the evening - MAD MEN season 3 premiere! It was every bit as good as expected, and then some!
Which Mad Men Character are you? I took the quiz and I'm
Jane Siegel - Secretary, Sterling Cooper
"You're new in the office. When it comes to clothes, you favor the low cut look. When dealing with others, you play your hand well. You love poetry, but that doesn't mean you're good at it. You have trouble with the truth, and this gets you in trouble. Luckily, you're sexy and wily enough to attract powerful allies to rescue you. Where this will get you in the long run, however, remains to be seen."
Later this week, we are dog-sitting one of Sport's girlfriends (as her owner is in Hawaii right now), and I plan to visit the Hair Lounge for a touch-up and trim this weekend. Other than that I am hoping to just clean the house (it needs a good vacuuming right now, and the toilets need new hang-on thingies in the bowl), and relaxing!
Although, in hindsight (yes this is a pun, you'll get it in a moment), maybe I don't want to vacuum with TWO dogs in the house all weekend. hmm. dogs playing, and fur everwhere. maybe I should wait to vacuum? (now you get the pun, right?)
We had Wine Club - Viognier on Wednesday the 12th. It's a bit sweeter than I usually like my white wines (I prefer dry), but it was still a tasty varietal!
I'd also like to announce the Debut of the Twits Wine Club Blog. Enjoy!
Friday I took a day off to drive myself (and the doggie) up to visit Grandpa. We had a nice visit with him. Even Auntie Julie and Cousin Amy were there. Grandpa said he was feeling the best he had in a long time, so I am very glad of that.
Click for Photos of the trip.
Sunday I returned home just in time for a nice dinner (we had Filet Mignon steaks rubbed with Emeril's spices, fresh snap beans, broccoli, and cheesy potato balls), with a nice Bordeaux of course. And then, the big finale of the evening - MAD MEN season 3 premiere! It was every bit as good as expected, and then some!
Which Mad Men Character are you? I took the quiz and I'm
Jane Siegel - Secretary, Sterling Cooper
"You're new in the office. When it comes to clothes, you favor the low cut look. When dealing with others, you play your hand well. You love poetry, but that doesn't mean you're good at it. You have trouble with the truth, and this gets you in trouble. Luckily, you're sexy and wily enough to attract powerful allies to rescue you. Where this will get you in the long run, however, remains to be seen."
Later this week, we are dog-sitting one of Sport's girlfriends (as her owner is in Hawaii right now), and I plan to visit the Hair Lounge for a touch-up and trim this weekend. Other than that I am hoping to just clean the house (it needs a good vacuuming right now, and the toilets need new hang-on thingies in the bowl), and relaxing!
Although, in hindsight (yes this is a pun, you'll get it in a moment), maybe I don't want to vacuum with TWO dogs in the house all weekend. hmm. dogs playing, and fur everwhere. maybe I should wait to vacuum? (now you get the pun, right?)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The City of Brotherly Love
August came in with a "gust" of activity again.
Saturday the 1st, we dropped Matt's car off at the Mazda dealer to finally get his Aux port made available. LONG story and it's totally Mazda's fault, but in the end he is now able to play an MP3 player or iPhone/iPod through his speakers in the car. Yay!
I did a quick brunch with Ruth at Cafe Intermezzo, a brief visit from Erika, and then later in the evening we went to CosmoLava to celebrate Janssen's birthday! He surprised us by having a nice VIP area reserved. Woo hoo! It was fun, and I also got to rock my new one shoulder dress from Victoria's Secret Catalog! As usual, Matt and I ended the night with the dirtay nachos from Taco Cabana!
Sunday was a bit more relaxed, and Erika slept over, so we had coffee and eggs on the screen porch and chatted about the previous night's activities. Later, we did a photoshoot at Erika's Spa Waverly. And last we ended the evening with a better-than-expected-comedy Get Smart.
Monday was a hectic, as I finalized my packing, went in for Allergy Shots and Nutritionist appointment, grabbed a quick lunch at Wendy's, and finally Matt gave me a ride to MARTA so I could ride to the airport and catch a plane to Philadelphia for work.
The flight was fine, and then I got on the Shuttle to the hotel. I swear, this guy drove his 12 passenger capacity van as if it was a SPORT BIKE in NYC traffic. SCARY! Talk about bad driving, cutting people off, and hard braking. Anyhoo, I did get a nice little tour of the city from the backseat. AHH!
The hotel was perfect, and I had a restaurant recommendation for RAW Lounge, which was within walking distance. The OhToro was delish, and so was the Matsu. I recommend trying it! During Happy Hour they have $5 drinks also. Unbelievably, Philly was JUST AS HOT as Atlanta, and humid too. Yech!
Tuesday I met my boss for breakfast, and then he showed me how to get to the office (since its kind of hidden). We did a nice lunch at Paganos Market, and then after work we checked out the Liberty Bell and Maggiano's.
Wednesday was work work work and I ended up staying in and ordering room service (so tired!), but they DO have an excellent Crab Cake entre!
Thursday was more work work work, but I did get off work at a decent time and then hopped a bus to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I went up the steps and was thinking of paying to see the place, but turns out I would have only had 45 mins before closing time, and they were still charging full price (bastards!), so maybe next time. However, this was the ONE of the nice cool days in Philly. It was a breezy 75 and sunny, so I took a nice long walk down the parkway from the top of the museum, and all the way to the City Square, then down Market Street to the waterfront. I passed by the Rodin Museum, Ben Franklin Institute, and many other lovely buildings. I finally came to a stop at the PennsView Hotel's Il Bar to have a flight of wine. They have a special system called a "cruvinet" - and can offer over 120 wines by the glass.
Friday I worked from the hotel room, then hopped a cab to the airport, and whisked back to Atlanta again. Photos of the City of Brotherly Love.
Marybeth was visiting us this weekend, and so she was kind to meet me at MARTA, then we walked to her car to get home. She brought her daughter Catherine with her this time, so we had a nice evening at Season's 52 for dinner, and then later Matthew & I went to Gulru's Housewarming Party near Peachtree Battle.
Saturday, we went to Goldberg's for breakfast, and then Matt went home to mow the lawn, but the ladies and I went off to the Atlanta Zoo. Why we did this in such ungodly heat? well, opportunity struck, so off we went. I'm ashamed to say I hadn't seen our zoo yet, so why not do it now? Armed with a cooler of water bottles, and carrying some more in hand, as well, we bravely sweated our way through the Panda's, Lions, Tigers, and Monkeys. LOL. Later, we met up with David and Matt for dinner at Chow Baby. Finally, we headed back home to view our photos of the day, and then finally fall asleep.
Sunday, our guests departed (for the Aquarium and then the airport). Matt and I took it easy and went to Get Coffee for breakfast, stopped at Target to get Matt some nice new dressier/casual shirts, and then drove up to "Alph-Alaska" to see a friend who had just had hip surgery. She loves Prosecco, so I brought some for her (along with some St. Germain and strawberries for a different option). Awesome! Finally, we went back home to do laundry and relax. I made Spaghetti for dinner, and we ended the night with the movie Watchmen. I decided my two favorite characters were Silk Spectre and Rorschach. Both were played by amazing actors! Loved the writing too! Some scenes were a bit violent for my taste, so I hid my eyes and had Matt tell me when it was over, but for the most part it was pretty good. BTW it's a 3 hr movie!!!
Finally back to normal (?) this week? We'll see.
Saturday the 1st, we dropped Matt's car off at the Mazda dealer to finally get his Aux port made available. LONG story and it's totally Mazda's fault, but in the end he is now able to play an MP3 player or iPhone/iPod through his speakers in the car. Yay!
I did a quick brunch with Ruth at Cafe Intermezzo, a brief visit from Erika, and then later in the evening we went to CosmoLava to celebrate Janssen's birthday! He surprised us by having a nice VIP area reserved. Woo hoo! It was fun, and I also got to rock my new one shoulder dress from Victoria's Secret Catalog! As usual, Matt and I ended the night with the dirtay nachos from Taco Cabana!
Sunday was a bit more relaxed, and Erika slept over, so we had coffee and eggs on the screen porch and chatted about the previous night's activities. Later, we did a photoshoot at Erika's Spa Waverly. And last we ended the evening with a better-than-expected-comedy Get Smart.
Monday was a hectic, as I finalized my packing, went in for Allergy Shots and Nutritionist appointment, grabbed a quick lunch at Wendy's, and finally Matt gave me a ride to MARTA so I could ride to the airport and catch a plane to Philadelphia for work.
The flight was fine, and then I got on the Shuttle to the hotel. I swear, this guy drove his 12 passenger capacity van as if it was a SPORT BIKE in NYC traffic. SCARY! Talk about bad driving, cutting people off, and hard braking. Anyhoo, I did get a nice little tour of the city from the backseat. AHH!
The hotel was perfect, and I had a restaurant recommendation for RAW Lounge, which was within walking distance. The OhToro was delish, and so was the Matsu. I recommend trying it! During Happy Hour they have $5 drinks also. Unbelievably, Philly was JUST AS HOT as Atlanta, and humid too. Yech!
Tuesday I met my boss for breakfast, and then he showed me how to get to the office (since its kind of hidden). We did a nice lunch at Paganos Market, and then after work we checked out the Liberty Bell and Maggiano's.
Wednesday was work work work and I ended up staying in and ordering room service (so tired!), but they DO have an excellent Crab Cake entre!
Thursday was more work work work, but I did get off work at a decent time and then hopped a bus to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I went up the steps and was thinking of paying to see the place, but turns out I would have only had 45 mins before closing time, and they were still charging full price (bastards!), so maybe next time. However, this was the ONE of the nice cool days in Philly. It was a breezy 75 and sunny, so I took a nice long walk down the parkway from the top of the museum, and all the way to the City Square, then down Market Street to the waterfront. I passed by the Rodin Museum, Ben Franklin Institute, and many other lovely buildings. I finally came to a stop at the PennsView Hotel's Il Bar to have a flight of wine. They have a special system called a "cruvinet" - and can offer over 120 wines by the glass.
Friday I worked from the hotel room, then hopped a cab to the airport, and whisked back to Atlanta again. Photos of the City of Brotherly Love.
Marybeth was visiting us this weekend, and so she was kind to meet me at MARTA, then we walked to her car to get home. She brought her daughter Catherine with her this time, so we had a nice evening at Season's 52 for dinner, and then later Matthew & I went to Gulru's Housewarming Party near Peachtree Battle.
Saturday, we went to Goldberg's for breakfast, and then Matt went home to mow the lawn, but the ladies and I went off to the Atlanta Zoo. Why we did this in such ungodly heat? well, opportunity struck, so off we went. I'm ashamed to say I hadn't seen our zoo yet, so why not do it now? Armed with a cooler of water bottles, and carrying some more in hand, as well, we bravely sweated our way through the Panda's, Lions, Tigers, and Monkeys. LOL. Later, we met up with David and Matt for dinner at Chow Baby. Finally, we headed back home to view our photos of the day, and then finally fall asleep.
Sunday, our guests departed (for the Aquarium and then the airport). Matt and I took it easy and went to Get Coffee for breakfast, stopped at Target to get Matt some nice new dressier/casual shirts, and then drove up to "Alph-Alaska" to see a friend who had just had hip surgery. She loves Prosecco, so I brought some for her (along with some St. Germain and strawberries for a different option). Awesome! Finally, we went back home to do laundry and relax. I made Spaghetti for dinner, and we ended the night with the movie Watchmen. I decided my two favorite characters were Silk Spectre and Rorschach. Both were played by amazing actors! Loved the writing too! Some scenes were a bit violent for my taste, so I hid my eyes and had Matt tell me when it was over, but for the most part it was pretty good. BTW it's a 3 hr movie!!!
Finally back to normal (?) this week? We'll see.
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Week of Insanity
Last week was nutso.
Absolutely nutso.
I am seriously wondering what's in the water these days! LOL.
I was oncall last week (aka getting paged at all hours of the day or night). Every workday last week I worked through lunch and stayed over 1-2 hours to help keep the work caught up before the next day. Sheesh!
However, the weekend was more relaxed thank goodness.
Friday, we stayed home and had an impromptu screenporchparty with friends. Saturday, Matt and I went to Get Coffee for breakfast (my fave), and we watched Multiplicity with Alex & Gorkem (one of Alex's fave movies). Saturday night, Matt took me out on a "date" and we went to WASABi for some excellent Sushi, and then later an impromptu dessert over at Apres Diem. The Espresso Martini is just delicious.
Later on, I couldn't sleep due to upset tummy (later found to be result of the St Germain), so we stayed up until 4am watching Groundhog Day (one of my favorite movies), and then slept in very late on Sunday. Sunday, we relaxed, played some Wii Sports (I beat Matt at Tennis again!), had a nap, and then watched Thomas Crown Affair 1999- one of my favorite movies. Gorkem hadn't seen it yet, but she enjoyed it. YAY! I also have the 1968 original movie, but have not watched it yet.
Matt's off to a VIP suite to see the Tool Concert tonight. I was the backup person if they couldn't get all the spots filled. VIP suite includes the concert, food, and drinks. Hmm. Should be fun. At the last minute another guy wanted to go, so I am off the hook. Not that I don't want to go, but it's a "school night" and my boss is in town this week (which means I usually have to work later hours), and it sounds like they won't get home until 1-2am (which means less than 5 hrs of sleep for me) and I prefer not to have the hassle. Anyhoo, I hope the gentlemen have a GREAT time! :-D
Finally tracked down a bottle of St. Germain Elderflower Vodka (well I thought it was vodka, but actually it's more like a liquer), and some champagne to make myself a St. Hillaire beverage. It's very tasty and summery. Garnish with strawberry. mmm. However, I soon learned that for some odd reason, this St. Germain stuff totally wipes me out. I feel like I'm having a total sugar crash right after I have any of the stuff. So, I am guessing that means it will be something we go through very slowly.
This week is going to be hectic, and next week I'm off to Philly for work, so I may not be updating the blog for a while.
Have a great rest of July & start of August!
Absolutely nutso.
I am seriously wondering what's in the water these days! LOL.
I was oncall last week (aka getting paged at all hours of the day or night). Every workday last week I worked through lunch and stayed over 1-2 hours to help keep the work caught up before the next day. Sheesh!
However, the weekend was more relaxed thank goodness.
Friday, we stayed home and had an impromptu screenporchparty with friends. Saturday, Matt and I went to Get Coffee for breakfast (my fave), and we watched Multiplicity with Alex & Gorkem (one of Alex's fave movies). Saturday night, Matt took me out on a "date" and we went to WASABi for some excellent Sushi, and then later an impromptu dessert over at Apres Diem. The Espresso Martini is just delicious.
Later on, I couldn't sleep due to upset tummy (later found to be result of the St Germain), so we stayed up until 4am watching Groundhog Day (one of my favorite movies), and then slept in very late on Sunday. Sunday, we relaxed, played some Wii Sports (I beat Matt at Tennis again!), had a nap, and then watched Thomas Crown Affair 1999- one of my favorite movies. Gorkem hadn't seen it yet, but she enjoyed it. YAY! I also have the 1968 original movie, but have not watched it yet.
Matt's off to a VIP suite to see the Tool Concert tonight. I was the backup person if they couldn't get all the spots filled. VIP suite includes the concert, food, and drinks. Hmm. Should be fun. At the last minute another guy wanted to go, so I am off the hook. Not that I don't want to go, but it's a "school night" and my boss is in town this week (which means I usually have to work later hours), and it sounds like they won't get home until 1-2am (which means less than 5 hrs of sleep for me) and I prefer not to have the hassle. Anyhoo, I hope the gentlemen have a GREAT time! :-D
Finally tracked down a bottle of St. Germain Elderflower Vodka (well I thought it was vodka, but actually it's more like a liquer), and some champagne to make myself a St. Hillaire beverage. It's very tasty and summery. Garnish with strawberry. mmm. However, I soon learned that for some odd reason, this St. Germain stuff totally wipes me out. I feel like I'm having a total sugar crash right after I have any of the stuff. So, I am guessing that means it will be something we go through very slowly.
This week is going to be hectic, and next week I'm off to Philly for work, so I may not be updating the blog for a while.
Have a great rest of July & start of August!
Apres Diem,
get coffee,
movie weekend,
st germain,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Three Sheets Premiere was awesome! We recorded it on our DVR, but I was still there to watch it live anyway. LOL.
I definitely will have to DVR it in the future though. It's really rough for me to be awake after 10pm and still get to work on time in the morning.
Thoughts. I've got a lot of scattered thoughts right now. Lately both my work and home lives seem absolutely insane. It's like everybody's taking Crazy pills. Of course that usually means it's me that is out of whack right? or is it?
I think I need another vacation and some time to think.
I definitely will have to DVR it in the future though. It's really rough for me to be awake after 10pm and still get to work on time in the morning.
Thoughts. I've got a lot of scattered thoughts right now. Lately both my work and home lives seem absolutely insane. It's like everybody's taking Crazy pills. Of course that usually means it's me that is out of whack right? or is it?
I think I need another vacation and some time to think.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Three Sheets Premiere - TONIGHT
Raise your glass
give a toast
check your channels
I have to boast
Three Sheets is BACK
and tonight's the night
Fine Living Network's where it's at!
10 Eastern, monkey in hand
Zane Lamprey's rockin'
Three Sheets New Zealand!
In other news, although I'm still hacking up a lung and fighting a cough, the house is finally rid of this awful cold/sinus/whatever the hell bug we all had.
Matt had a photo shoot Sunday afternoon and both the model AND the Makeup Artist showed up! YAY!
Our dear White Russian turned 30 yrs old, and we hosted a small gathering at the casa. As it was an unusually cool weekend for Atlanta in July, we had it outside on the deck, with tiki torches lit. I guess it wasn't too cool for mosquitos (nasty little buggers!). James had homemade blueberry cake from the Bulgarians, and Matt and I gave him a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. We had light snacks of strawberries, bing cherries, blueberries, cheese wedges, chips, and salsa (homemade with those weird purple hull peas from the CSA farmer's thingie). Delish!
BTW check out James' website:
Cousin Tara and her family met us for brunch at Atkins Park on Sunday also. In spite of the unlucky battery situation in their vehicle. No worries, it was the kind of day where nothing could make you upset, and we just dealt with and moved on. Sweet! It was a lovely weekend. Sunny, breezy, cooler than normal, oh yes and I got my hair done (it always feels SO good to have freshly colored/styled hair!).
Lastly, my monthly visit to the liquor store, didn't turn up any St. Germaine Elderberry Vodka, or Gran Centenario Rosangel Tequila, but I did find the Asombroso Rose Reposado, and that was good enough for me.
Have a great night with Three Sheets everyone! and may your week be prosperous also!
Victoria's Secret's 70s Jean (IMHO the BEST jeans ever)
are on sale for $19.99 a pair in 3 styles and 5-6 denim shades/hues.
Item numbers: Z7-228-947, Z7-244-031, and Z7-233-330.
even if they are long on you, get them hemmed, and I swear you will love them forever! I have 3 pairs, and I am still thinking of getting 1 more. I love these jeans!
give a toast
check your channels
I have to boast
Three Sheets is BACK
and tonight's the night
Fine Living Network's where it's at!
10 Eastern, monkey in hand
Zane Lamprey's rockin'
Three Sheets New Zealand!
In other news, although I'm still hacking up a lung and fighting a cough, the house is finally rid of this awful cold/sinus/whatever the hell bug we all had.
Matt had a photo shoot Sunday afternoon and both the model AND the Makeup Artist showed up! YAY!
Our dear White Russian turned 30 yrs old, and we hosted a small gathering at the casa. As it was an unusually cool weekend for Atlanta in July, we had it outside on the deck, with tiki torches lit. I guess it wasn't too cool for mosquitos (nasty little buggers!). James had homemade blueberry cake from the Bulgarians, and Matt and I gave him a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. We had light snacks of strawberries, bing cherries, blueberries, cheese wedges, chips, and salsa (homemade with those weird purple hull peas from the CSA farmer's thingie). Delish!
BTW check out James' website:
Cousin Tara and her family met us for brunch at Atkins Park on Sunday also. In spite of the unlucky battery situation in their vehicle. No worries, it was the kind of day where nothing could make you upset, and we just dealt with and moved on. Sweet! It was a lovely weekend. Sunny, breezy, cooler than normal, oh yes and I got my hair done (it always feels SO good to have freshly colored/styled hair!).
Lastly, my monthly visit to the liquor store, didn't turn up any St. Germaine Elderberry Vodka, or Gran Centenario Rosangel Tequila, but I did find the Asombroso Rose Reposado, and that was good enough for me.
Have a great night with Three Sheets everyone! and may your week be prosperous also!
Victoria's Secret's 70s Jean (IMHO the BEST jeans ever)
are on sale for $19.99 a pair in 3 styles and 5-6 denim shades/hues.
Item numbers: Z7-228-947, Z7-244-031, and Z7-233-330.
even if they are long on you, get them hemmed, and I swear you will love them forever! I have 3 pairs, and I am still thinking of getting 1 more. I love these jeans!
family visit,
hair lounge,
st germain,
three sheets,
white russian
Friday, July 17, 2009
Happenings this weekend
Luxe is having a Summer BOGO party on Saturday 07/18/2009 12n-7p.
Solstice Cafe is having a Burlesque show on Saturday night.
BTW I forgot to mention, I won a free iPod Shuffle at work this week. YAY! It's a spiffy bright Green color. Now what to put on it?
Solstice Cafe is having a Burlesque show on Saturday night.
BTW I forgot to mention, I won a free iPod Shuffle at work this week. YAY! It's a spiffy bright Green color. Now what to put on it?
Visiting Grandpa, Refi, Sickness, White Russians, Sad Movies, and all that jazz
Whew it has been a while, sorry about that. We've been very busy.
July 4th weekend, I drove up to visit with Grandpa, Aunt Julie, and Uncle John & Lynette.
Grandpa is now on oxygen 24/7. He does have a portable tank for when he has to go to the store, church, or run errands. However, the pulmonary fibrosis is definitely doing its thing. It's not curable.
I hope to go back and see him soon in August sometime.
On the upside, we had a good time visiting, and saw the local fireworks from the safety of the backyard.
An old highschool friend looked me up on Facebook, and she and her new husband were in town over the July 4th weekend. When I returned from visiting Grandpa, we went out for a nice Indian Food dinner at our fave place - Himalayas. Turns out they have a grocery store in the same shopping plaza, so we checked that out as well. Great place to get some mango!
Matthew and I refinanced the house (signed all the paperwork on the 6th). We got locked in while the rates were still in the 4%'s, so that is really nice (of course now it's back up in the fives and sixes, blah). Paid off a few bills in the process. Not trying to say the worst is coming, but now we will be in a safer position financially if (God Forbid) Matt or I get laid off at work. One of us should be able to handle the bills alone on our salary if something happens now. I certainly hope that doesn't happen, but it is always smart to be prepared. We had the BEST broker for the situation, I couldn't have been happier with him. If you need a recommendation, let me know and I'll send you his way.
We even got around to painting the master bathroom finally. Well it's still not 100%, but at least it's not the textured sandy alligator green anymore. We used the same surrey-beige color that is in the hall bath and in the roommates' room. It went on very nice over the textured paint. Now we just need someone to do the trimwork and ceiling. I don't mind doing it myself, it's just that the idiots who lived here before us, use OIL paint for the trim (pale pink, ewww), and then someone painted LATEX on top of it afterwards, and now the paint is peeling. So someone will need to literally STRIP the door/window frames, and totally redo them. I am not in the mood for this right now. I seriously want to pay someone. Also the ceiling paint is cracking and old, it may need some drywall mud to flatten it out. I am also not in the mood for this. Anybody know a cheap but effective painter who can do this for us?
Although, the new color looks VERY nice in spite of the trim/ceiling issues. I am very happy with it!
As if we weren't busy enough (last week at work was a NIGHTMARE) - the roommate caught a cold, then somehow Matt caught it, and then I caught it. And then my cold turned into a Sinus Infection (I guess, because I thought Sinus infections were NOT contagious?). I spent 2 days "working from home" and sleeping on and off between meetings. Thank Goodness for conference calls, so nobody had to see my horrible self those days.
I finally went to the doctor on the 3rd day (since my snot was turning yellow, that's when you know it's an infection, when it changes color), and he put me on a new antibiotic that I hadn't tried before. It's the first time he's given me one that has a GENERIC - so instead of the brand name drug that cost me $150 even after discounts last time, this one was only $2.90! talk about a good deal! I just hope it works. Last time he gave me a Z-pak, but it didn't cure me, and then I had to go back and pay for the expensive one (Avelox). I sincerely hope this generic thing can kick the sinus infection's *ss, because I really don't like being on an antibiotic if I can help it.
I'm able to be at work now, but I'm still coughing up a storm. I hope it won't go into my chest.
Why do we get colds in the summertime? that just seems odd to me!
On the upside from being sick, I caught up on all the sad movies I have been wanting to see. I watched "Seven Pounds" and "Nights in Rodanthe." I'm a huge Richard Gere and Diane Lane fan (separately not necessarily together). Although, I'm kinda pissed at Nicholas Sparks about the ending of that movie. Does he HAVE to make it so damned depressing? The Will Smith movie was VERY good though.
I also realized that somewhere between switching from Comcast to AT&T Uverse, I missed the season finale of Desperate Housewives. I finally watched both Part 1 and 2 of the finale last night. AWESOME cliffhangers. I can't wait for next season.
Three Sheets Premiere is Monday July 20th on Fine Living Network (if you get it). DVR that puppy!
Mad Men Premiere is Sunday August 16th on AMC. Cannot wait!!!
Our dear White Russian friend is celebrating his 30th Birthday this weekend, so Saturday night should be a bit of a party (although I'm still not sure WHERE it is happening). He lives in Vegas now, but came back to ATL for the birthday celebration. He put in his facebook status "The Desert Eagle Has landed" I love that stuff! YAY!
I will attempt to behave myself so I don't get any sicker though. Have been avoiding alcohol.
Getting hair touched up on Saturday, and oil change. Very exciting stuff right? ha! But honestly after being sick all week, it's NICE to go get pretty again. I seriously have let my roots go too long. The last day I was home sick, after getting the work done, I treated myself to a mani/pedi/brow wax at the nail salon. It is nice to feel normal again.
Well that's all for now. Hope everyone is having a great July!
July 4th weekend, I drove up to visit with Grandpa, Aunt Julie, and Uncle John & Lynette.
Grandpa is now on oxygen 24/7. He does have a portable tank for when he has to go to the store, church, or run errands. However, the pulmonary fibrosis is definitely doing its thing. It's not curable.
I hope to go back and see him soon in August sometime.
On the upside, we had a good time visiting, and saw the local fireworks from the safety of the backyard.
An old highschool friend looked me up on Facebook, and she and her new husband were in town over the July 4th weekend. When I returned from visiting Grandpa, we went out for a nice Indian Food dinner at our fave place - Himalayas. Turns out they have a grocery store in the same shopping plaza, so we checked that out as well. Great place to get some mango!
Matthew and I refinanced the house (signed all the paperwork on the 6th). We got locked in while the rates were still in the 4%'s, so that is really nice (of course now it's back up in the fives and sixes, blah). Paid off a few bills in the process. Not trying to say the worst is coming, but now we will be in a safer position financially if (God Forbid) Matt or I get laid off at work. One of us should be able to handle the bills alone on our salary if something happens now. I certainly hope that doesn't happen, but it is always smart to be prepared. We had the BEST broker for the situation, I couldn't have been happier with him. If you need a recommendation, let me know and I'll send you his way.
We even got around to painting the master bathroom finally. Well it's still not 100%, but at least it's not the textured sandy alligator green anymore. We used the same surrey-beige color that is in the hall bath and in the roommates' room. It went on very nice over the textured paint. Now we just need someone to do the trimwork and ceiling. I don't mind doing it myself, it's just that the idiots who lived here before us, use OIL paint for the trim (pale pink, ewww), and then someone painted LATEX on top of it afterwards, and now the paint is peeling. So someone will need to literally STRIP the door/window frames, and totally redo them. I am not in the mood for this right now. I seriously want to pay someone. Also the ceiling paint is cracking and old, it may need some drywall mud to flatten it out. I am also not in the mood for this. Anybody know a cheap but effective painter who can do this for us?
Although, the new color looks VERY nice in spite of the trim/ceiling issues. I am very happy with it!
As if we weren't busy enough (last week at work was a NIGHTMARE) - the roommate caught a cold, then somehow Matt caught it, and then I caught it. And then my cold turned into a Sinus Infection (I guess, because I thought Sinus infections were NOT contagious?). I spent 2 days "working from home" and sleeping on and off between meetings. Thank Goodness for conference calls, so nobody had to see my horrible self those days.
I finally went to the doctor on the 3rd day (since my snot was turning yellow, that's when you know it's an infection, when it changes color), and he put me on a new antibiotic that I hadn't tried before. It's the first time he's given me one that has a GENERIC - so instead of the brand name drug that cost me $150 even after discounts last time, this one was only $2.90! talk about a good deal! I just hope it works. Last time he gave me a Z-pak, but it didn't cure me, and then I had to go back and pay for the expensive one (Avelox). I sincerely hope this generic thing can kick the sinus infection's *ss, because I really don't like being on an antibiotic if I can help it.
I'm able to be at work now, but I'm still coughing up a storm. I hope it won't go into my chest.
Why do we get colds in the summertime? that just seems odd to me!
On the upside from being sick, I caught up on all the sad movies I have been wanting to see. I watched "Seven Pounds" and "Nights in Rodanthe." I'm a huge Richard Gere and Diane Lane fan (separately not necessarily together). Although, I'm kinda pissed at Nicholas Sparks about the ending of that movie. Does he HAVE to make it so damned depressing? The Will Smith movie was VERY good though.
I also realized that somewhere between switching from Comcast to AT&T Uverse, I missed the season finale of Desperate Housewives. I finally watched both Part 1 and 2 of the finale last night. AWESOME cliffhangers. I can't wait for next season.
Three Sheets Premiere is Monday July 20th on Fine Living Network (if you get it). DVR that puppy!
Mad Men Premiere is Sunday August 16th on AMC. Cannot wait!!!
Our dear White Russian friend is celebrating his 30th Birthday this weekend, so Saturday night should be a bit of a party (although I'm still not sure WHERE it is happening). He lives in Vegas now, but came back to ATL for the birthday celebration. He put in his facebook status "The Desert Eagle Has landed" I love that stuff! YAY!
I will attempt to behave myself so I don't get any sicker though. Have been avoiding alcohol.
Getting hair touched up on Saturday, and oil change. Very exciting stuff right? ha! But honestly after being sick all week, it's NICE to go get pretty again. I seriously have let my roots go too long. The last day I was home sick, after getting the work done, I treated myself to a mani/pedi/brow wax at the nail salon. It is nice to feel normal again.
Well that's all for now. Hope everyone is having a great July!
aunt julie,
pulmonary fibrosis,
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