Today is just a DAMN good day!
1) Yesterday was my beloved
Aunt Julie's Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE JULES! And I get to see her next week!
Zazen Photo's first newsletter went out. If you didn't get the email, click
HERE to sign up for the mailing list.
3) Today's can of Dole Tropical Fruit has more red papaya than anything else, my FAVE!
4) I'm having a good hair day.
5) It's Antoinette's Birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTOINETTE!!!
6) Age of Aquarius Party
photos - check out Matt on the floor. he was feeling Goo-ood!
7) Tonight is Wine Club - I'm hosting and we're doing "Organic RED wines with No Sulfites Added" - mmm delish!
8)And (as my facebook status so aptly puts it) - Abbie is secretly and wickedly pleased about getting to the Arc-Trainer machine at 5:30am BEFORE tread-climber girl tried to hog it. har har har.
Let me explain #8.
This week, I've been to the YMCA every morning without fail. I was a little late on Monday and Tuesday, so Tread-Climber girl was already there hogging her favorite machine BOTH days and for 45mins on Tuesday (beeotch). So, I did weights on Monday, and Bike on Tuesday. BUT TODAY I get there a full 10 mins early. I mean the doors had not even OPENED yet, as I was parking my car. But she was there, in line, at the door, and as I crossed the parking lot to the entrance, they let her in. "NOOOOO!" I thought. "NOOOO she's going to beat me to the machine." I tried to remain calm, and told myself - "so what? let's just get one of the other machines instead. You are stronger than her. Your weakness is not that stupid Tread-Climber thing." and so, I rather apathetically watched her beat me down the stairs, beat me to the Tread-Climber machine (and she fiddled with it for a long time, even crawling on her knees to the front of the machine near the wall. I assumed she was plugging it in?), and I absent-mindedly put my waterbottle into the cup holder on the Arc-Trainer, and then went to put my jacket in the cubby-storage unit. As I walked back to the Arc-Trainer, WHAM I almost ran into her. She had been over near my Arc-Trainer machine but had seen my water bottle (holding my place). I guess the tread-climber wasn't working and she was trying for her 2nd favorite machine now? I wasn't sure, but I just climbed up on there and started doing my 30 mins of cardio. And I thought quietly to myself "30 minutes, and that was the rules. not 45 mins Missie!" There are only 2 Arc Trainer machines at the YMCA with arm-movement. The other 3 have the part where your feet/legs swing but the arm-part is stationary. The machine I was on was the "total body" arc trainer. Hmmm . . . I was on one, and another older lady was on the other one. incidently, there were 2 other available Arc-Trainers (minus the arm movement).
As I started my workout, I couldn't help but notice that Tread-Climber girl was hovering around the area. Even though the Arc-Trainers are in a DIFFERENT ROOM than her Tread-Climber. She wanted my machine BAD. I could taste it.
Why couldn't she use one of the 10 available treadmills, or upright bikes, or encumbent bikes, or stair climber machines, or the other Arc Trainers? There were A LOT of other options. No, she wanted her Tread-climber or the Total Body Arc-Trainer and that was it. Spoiled little thing isn't she? I tried to be gracious, and not smirk to myself, but I was secretly pleased.
Then I watched as she wrote her name on the marker board on the waiting list. Karen. Hmm, so my nemesis has a name now. Damn.
I finished my 30 minutes. The most self-satisfying 30 mins of cardio yet. And then I politely got off the machine, cleaned it, and went home to shower in my new master bathroom.
I AM stronger than she is. I'm versatile. I can work out on ANY cardio machine. I do not restrict myself to just the Tread-Climber or Arc-Trainer. And I'm going to have a more-rounded workout week for it too. har har har.

Photo credit goes to Ebay - Cybex Arc Trainer and Bowflex Treadclimber TC6000* btw, the one at my YMCA is NOT a bowflex, but heck if I can remember what it is.