This month has been nuts with activities. I thought May was challenging, but I didn't know what June would bring.
We've joined a Community Share thing in our neighborhood. Local Farms do a "Farmer's Market" near the post office every week. You pay ahead (depending if you want to pick up your bag of fresh produce once a week or every other week). We did the every-other-week option. This last bag of groceries might actually go bad before I have a chance to cook it all.
We had 3 bags of different salad greens, a huge bunch of rosemary, 2 different types of collards or chard (I can never tell the difference, but whatever they cook the same the way I do it), some turnips, radishes, and farm fresh eggs. I love having the options to cook the different greens. Sometimes I even put the radish leaves mixed in with a salad. Radish leaves have a kick to them. Just warning you, it's a different taste. I like to use a poppyseed or Dorothy Lynch dressing or Red Pepper Vinaigrette on them - tastes better. Usually I like oil and red wine vinegar on my salads with some parmesan, but the radish leaves may not go as well with those flavors.
I had made up a bowl of salad greens the other night, but we hadn't had a chance to eat them yet, and the greens were definitely getting wilted. So, I dumped them into a skillet with some olive oil/garlic powder/salt/pepper, and wilted them further. Warmed up some leftover rice, and cut up a block of tofu. Lightly fried the tofu in fresh rosemary and parmesan cheese. Dinner was Rice, with wilted greens, and rosemary/parm tofu. Matt liked it. Sweet! I also had a bottle of Balsalmic Vinaigrette in case the mixture needed more flavor. Either way - it was light/healthy/and tasty - AND LOW CARB for me (I didn't have the rice)! yeah!
My new easy low carb way of cooking, is to make whatever meat sauce/protein thing, and greens/veggies, and then whatever the carb is (typically noodles or rice or bread), I just forgo that, but I still cook some for Matt (since he's not low-carbing). AKA - make spaghetti, but only he gets noodles. At first it's hard not to have a noodle or two, but I don't even miss it now.
Tonight is Sea Scallops/shrimp/calamari mix in Basil Pesto/Olive Oil (and perhaps some alfredo sauce, haven't decided yet) with Spinach linguine noodles. Only I won't get the noodles of course.
Busy with photo shoots this week. Deadline for the next Voyeur Mag Issue approaches.
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