Thursday, June 18, 2009

Musings on OPI, supplements, and dreaming of Bali

Just got back from the nail salon for a quickie lunch-time pedicure and wax. I hate getting waxed, but I have to do it. Darn my 1/8th Lebanese heritage...
anyhoo, I went Chicago with my OPI nail polish choice at the nail salon. I'm now sporting "Lincoln Park After Dark" - a spiffy blackish-purply selection. I suppose it's not very "summery" but I like a smart bold color. Also it is sharp and makes my fat toes look skinnier. I don't know why, but it works for me. I typically do a dark brown, maroon, or red color when I get my toes polished.
Some of my fave OPI colors (some may be discontinued so don't get bent outta shape if you can't find them)
-Vampire State Building (Deep dark Maroon)
-I'm Not Really a Waitress (Best Red EVER)
-OctoberryFest (a lighter mauve/purple/grey color)
-Wyatt Earple Purple (a more pinky mauve color, almost silvery mauve, GREAT for wedding toes)
-International Date Line (plummy/maroon shade, with brown in it somehow. hard to explain but I love that one)
-Russian to a Party (dark maroon, garnet, blackish color)
-Got the Blues for Red (deep dark red color, perfect for Pin-up style clothes)
-Hey Vito, Is My Car Ready Yet? (bright red-orange - because it matches a dress and coat set I have.
ok new topic. I've been working my rear-end off lately at work. So has everybody else here, I know. I don't mean to belittle that. Anyway, it's been NUTS around here, and people are working long hours quite a bit. It's very easy to get sick when you are stressed out, working too hard, stuck inside with no sun and no fresh air, etc. It's not healthy in the long run.
I take vitamins and supplements to try to stay healthy and not get sick. So far so good. I've only had 1 sinus infection in the last year in combination with a mild flu. Other than that I've been healthy as a horse. Typically, I have a horrible sinus infection 4-5 times a year. So that has to be saying something for the supplements, herbs, and healthy things I've been ingesting to ward off germs/sickness at work.
I know a pill can't cure everything, but I swear by my supplements. Here's what I take:
A Multi-vitamin (either Trader Joe's High-potency ones, or Centrum Silver). Why silver? The Silver version has Lycopene in it, and this is VERY good for warding off hangovers or hangover effects. Also, it is good for you. The regular Centrum doesn't have it. I also prefer a multi-vitamin that requires you to take 2 a day. You space it out of course, but that means you are getting more vitamins, and it's not just one big pill in the morning. aka - more effective in my opinion.
A Probiotic - keeps me regular and non-gassy. Maybe it's my genes, but my family has a history of gastro-intestinal issues (whether it's just chronically bad gas, IBS, etc) . I try to avoid having those problems, and I like to be able to eat whatever I feel like (within reason), and a good Probiotic helps. I get mine at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. The more "active cultures" on the label the better. This is one you may want to keep in the fridge. Not required, but it is live cultures and the point of a Probiotic is to help keep the good bacteria in your intestines, so if you keep it cold before taking it, it will last longer and supposedly work better. I have 2 friends who are scientists that swear by this also.
Allergy/Decongestant - why? because we live in this crazy allergy-ridden state! I like Zyrtec-D (or a generic equivalent). Rant - why can't I by Zyrtec-D at my Wholesale store? Idiots. It's because of the damn "Psuedo-ephedrine" ingredient. They actually CARD you at the store if you buy any medicine with that ingredient. I guess there's some issue where people can convert this drug into meth. I use it for the right purpose, and I'm not a meth person, but I really detest having to be carded for it, and you can't buy more than 20 days supply at once either. It's not like I'm buying booze. sheesh! BTW you CAN buy a ton of wine and beer at the wholesale store... just saying...
Potassium - why? because I hate (and am mildly-allergic to) Bananas. Also Potassium helps with muscle soreness, and it's good for your heart. Yay! Take 1 in the AM with a full glass of water. sweet.
Now if only they had a pill for surviving work? ha ha ha!
In other news, I'm addicted to the show "Househunters International" and last night we watched an episode where this single American-looking-guy (who has to be frickin' loaded), who lives in Tokyo, is looking for a vacation home in Bali. Bali - ohmmmm, yes I have always wanted to go there. Every "villa" they show this guy on the show, is just SO amazing. SO Zen, and GORGEOUS!
I totally want to go to Bali on my next international vacation. YES!
If you've read that book "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, then you KNOW about Bali.
If you haven't read it, go get it. this book ROCKS! Supposedly she has a sequel coming out soon, but I haven't seen it yet . Let me know if you see it ok?
Bottle Shock Movie - I saw the preview when I went to see Star Trek at the theaters, but I thought it wasn't out yet, but lo and behold, I was able to add that movie to my Netflix list. so maybe it DID come out already. I don't care, I love Alan Rickman.

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