Tuesday, January 05, 2010

It's the Little Things...

Recently, I've become starkly aware of how much I take for granted. I'm re-learning that it's the little things that really count.

Therefore, here are some of the little things I really love:
1) My husband - his ability to put up with me, listen to me, sit with me on the sofa watching Dexter as I grip his hand or leg in suspense, cuddle me in bed when I'm cold (even though I apparently have an icy-cold arse), eat whatever I cook for him, and still give me his honest advice and opinions.

2) My dog - he is so quiet and obedient. I often forget he is there, or ignore him more than I should. Since the seizure episode, I've been really listening, watching, and learning his queues. He DOES communicate with me. And mostly, it's all love. My dog truly loves us, and he shows it every day. We hang out a lot more now than we used to. We play more, and when he wants some companionship, I listen more. I want to continue this in 2010 and not take it for granted. Not all dog-owners are as lucky as we are.

3) Avocado/Spinach salad with Toasted Sesame Oil dressing. Try it. It's so simple, and oh so good.

4) Hot Water. Yes, I'm weird. I'm remembering my love of hot water and hot tea. This is also good, as it is warm, and keeps me off the vino. Not saying Vino's bad, but I really spent a lot on alcohol last year. Was it really worth all that? Let's get healthy in 2010.

4)Sweaters, t-shirts, and tops - oh my! I have tons of clothes, but in the past year (and hopefully this year) I'm gradually going through my things, and giving away the items I don't need, or have too much of. Giving to friends, family, or Goodwill. Reduce the clutter. The love it, saves us all money (me for storage, them from having to buy new clothes), and we all benefit.

5) The Wii. I had all but forgotten how much fun it can be. Fun because it lets you be active, laugh with your loved ones, and boy can it spark up a party. Try if it you don't believe me.

6) Reading a good book. I haven't done this in nearly a year. Been so busy. Only read magazines, blogs, and TV stuff last year. This year will be different. I hope.

7) to be continued...

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