So how was your 3-day Labor Day Weekend? Here's a recap of mine:
Friday - finally got my nails done, toes done, the works. stayed home and relaxed with my sweetie pie.
Saturday - cleaned spider-webs off the outside of my house and screen porch while Matt blew leaves off the 3 levels of roofs (rooves? roofies? what the heck is the plural of Roof?), vacuumed the house, ran to the store for some last minute things, then we had a few friends over to catch them up on movies they hadn't seen - aka Super Troopers and Beer Fest. Much German beer and various kinds of vino were consumed during the evening. we also rearranged the living room furniture for best viewing pleasure. we liked it so much we are leaving it that way for a bit.
Sunday - slept in late, cleaned house, made appearance at a friend's pool party in time for some grilled fish - delicious!, Matt got burnt, I got a nice tan, went back to house to relax and cool off (it was f'n HOT out there), then went to PP for a friend's friend who was visiting out of town. I mean who needs a reason to go to the PP anyway, just go! Hit TC for some bean & cheese Nachoes on the way home. oh hells yeah!
Monday - still couldn't shake my massive headache that I had all weekend, so hubby gave me nice backrub, foot rub, and I spent the whole day in my pajamas watching Gustav news, Family Guy reruns, and lastly "The Bank Job" movie, and ordered Chinese. It was a good weekend. yes the headache finally went away.
Can we have another 3day weekend soon? I need another one. seriously.
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