It's been a stressful week. I take that back, stressful 2 weeks. There's been days where 2 co-workers were out, and I had to do double/triple workload. Days of being stuck in seemingly dead-end meetings. Days where I had to fight to get our group ahead, and I won! But the battles and overdrive take their toll. I thought I was doing so well. I stayed calm, I did my yoga every morning, and even kept my temper in check - at least on the outside. We kept it chill at home each night this week, and I got enough sleep - I thought.
But of course, as I'm about to relax and have a great Autumn weekend . . . I wake up Saturday morning to a nasty headache and the beginning symptoms of a migraine. I attempted to make it thru breakfast and coffee, and even managed to make the dessert for a dinner/event we are hosting tomorrow. However, by 1pm, the blood was pounding in my head, and I was starting to feel dizzy. Matt massaged my back and neck - even put the China Gel on it too. I did some yoga - no luck. Finally, I succumbed to the inevitable, and went back to bed and took 2 Tylenol. Put the lavender scented eye pillow over my eyes, and positioned the body pillow just so. About 1.5 hrs later I woke up feeling much better. I wouldn't go so far as to say I got rid of the pain, but I definitely kicked its *ss for a while. Stupid stress.
I haven't felt this awful since the morning after the Sex And The City Movie Premiere. Wait a minute, we watched the movie last night too. hmmm. Correlation? I doubt it, but who knows.
I guess I got "carried" away. ha ha.
For dinner tonight, I made Paneer Makhani with chicken over basamati rice. Matt loved it! We also pre-taste-tested the Singapore Sling beverage we are serving tomorrow (gin does wonders for the headache!), and the dessert. Ok well that is all I will say for now.
I am hoping to wake up pain-free tomorrow.
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