Chant with me now "Vacation in 3 days", "Vacation in 3 days", "Vacation in 3 days."
Well it took an Emergency visit to the Chiropractor, another nap, and some more China Gel, to finally kick my Migraine's *ss. This one was a DOOZY. Fourteen days in the making, 3 days of recovery. ACK!! I really need another way to get rid of these things (or stop them from occurring). I honestly thought I was doing everything preventatively-correctly this time around. I'm cursed, I swear.
Side Effect of Migraine - I can't work out until it's gone. I'm literally walking around slowly (to stay calm), laying down, or sleeping it off. It's like I've been hit with a crowbar in the head, and then I'm sort of feebly functioning until it goes away. Thankfully, I made it through work yesterday without feeling too horrible. So our beloved Wii Fit tells me last night, I gained back the 3 lbs I thought I had lost last week. And then this morning it tells me I lost 2.2 of those same 3 lbs. I guess because I had eaten dinner before weighing myself? Heck if I know. I will test it again tomorrow and see if there is any improvement. I did the full YOGA today (finally made it thru with no pain). YAY!
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