Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Sniffling through the Season

Well it's been a bizarre week post-party-month.
My Auntie Julie told me about how she went Low-Carb and took Wheat Gluten out of her diet, and promptly lost 50 pounds (over the course of a year). She looks fabulous btw.
Not long after that, my parents did a detox and started slowly introducing foods back into their diet, and they discovered that they both had issues with Wheat Gluten and Dairy. My dad especially (Auntie Julie is his sister), has had terrible allergies and asthma his whole life. He would take his inhaler DAILY. Now he has figured out that he only needs his inhaler when he eats gluten or dairy or refined sugar. Go figure. It took the family a good 31 yrs of my life to figure this out. Anyway, good to know.
I was sorely ticked off at first, because I'd actually PAID a damn allergist to test me for issues with Wheat Gluten, Dairy, etc. And nothing showed up except Bananas and Shellfish. 1) I don't eat bananas anyway, I don't like them. 2) I rarely eat shellfish, and when I do, I have not had any issues. and 3) If my weight issues ARE gluten/dairy related, then why the hell didn't THAT show up on my test? My OB/GYN tells me that the allergy tests can only show true allergies, not "food sensitivities" blah blah blah.
Well well.
I guess once that inordinately large Birthday Cake, and gallon of Birthday Ice Cream is gone, then I can start doing the dairy/gluten free thing.
Oh that will suck, I LOVE, love, love cheese, and eggs (do eggs count?).
At least Wine is gluten and dairy free, right?
To add insult to injury, I started having sniffles almost daily now, in the mornings. At first I thought I was getting sick, and thus I have been working at home this week, but now, I'm rather inclined to think it's allergies. I DO have half-n-half in my coffee every morning. And we've been slowly eating away at that cake. Hmmm...
In other news, we are knee-deep in planning our Thanksgiving vacation. This year, we are going to The Big Apple to dog-sit. Yeah that sounds weird, but think about it. The most well-behaved dog (next to mine of course) in history ... Free room and board in an apartment 1/2 block from Central Park... RIGHT on the Macy's Parade route...romantic time alone with the hubby...7 gorgeous days to explore the city and wine and dine ourselves...ooh I cannot wait!
Not that we are avoiding family, but all our trips this year have been family or work related, and it is nice to finally be ALONE and get to do OUR thing.
Love to the fam, but we are "do-not-disturb" for Thanksgiving this year.

1 comment:

MrsNick said...

Funny! I thought my mom might be full of you know what when she was talking about the gluten stuff; however, now that your 'rents are in the mix too it's got me thinkin'. Two of my good friends and three of my colleagues have gluten intolerencies and they have suggested I maybe get tested. By the way, Amy (my sister) has a HUGE allergy to shellfish. Like she swells up and can't breathe kind of allergy. So it doesn't surprise me that that showed up on your allergy test. It seems to really be shrimp related....but who knows. We don't even mess around with it anymore because if she even touches it is bad news. Her eye and finger swelled up one time because she touched a plate that had touched shellfish and then rubbed her eye! Crazy!!! What will we do at family gatherings? Eat rice?