Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Crick in the neck

Well here we go again.
This weekend (as you know from the golf entry), was very relaxing and fun. However, somehow, my neck/back went out of alignment (AGAIN), and I starting having neck pain on Saturday afternoon/evening. My friend the massage therapist - she massaged it on Saturday night, and then again on Sunday AM. The massaging helped, but it was only a temporary fix. The pain was growing and growing, and finally Tuesday morning - I couldn't turn my head to the Left without severe pain. This inhibits driving and all sorts of other things.
I scheduled a visit to my chiropractor, and he adjusted my "cervical 2" (whatever that is), and then rubbed a bunch of china gel on my neck/back area. China Gel is a pain gel (homeopathic), and it works wonders. I have a stash at home also for nighttime use. Anyway, today is WEDNESDAY and the pain is still there. I can turn my neck to the Left without much pain now (it's just STIFF as hell), but I can't get this lumpy-knot in my rightside/mid-neck to go AWAY. I also have pain going down my rhomboid on the Right shoulderblade. The Chiro says to keep putting ICE on it (heat is bad for this type of thing). I have been doing that, and it does help. Although it is hard to get ice to STAY on the neck and keep myself in alignment. I have to keep holding it with my R or L arm, and that means I'm using some of the muscles which need to stay relaxed.
SO, I heard CVS has some sort of neck/pillow/ice-pack thing. I'm on my way to buy one of those.
Pain suxors!!!
I can understand if I was STRESSED out all weekend, but I wasn't. I'm seriously pissed off (not sure who at), but why the hell do I have PAIN when there's nothing amiss? This is crazy!
Well, it sure gives one a reason for drinking wine.

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