Friday, October 03, 2008

Cruisin' for a Dirty Banana

Photo Credit.
Hopefully I will get a photo like this one of myself in the coming days. We are going on VACATION!!!! finally - again. hee hee! I rather like this "once a month" going on a trip habit we've gotten into (just for the fall though). It gives one something to look forward to during the drudgery of work hours.
So, one of the stops on the cruise is the Atlantis Resort in Nassau, Bahamas. I have been there once before, but Matt hasn't ever been. I cannot WAIT for him to try the "Dirty Banana" drink that they serve there. It's sort of like a pina colada (frozen), but they have some sort of banana flavor in it, and it looks like there is a dirty brown banana in the middle (but they do it with the frozen drink stuff, so I am not sure how they do it). DELICIOUS! Last timeI was there they were selling them for $6 each. Let's see if they pulled a "Compound" and raised the price? probably. I dont' care I'm having at least ONE more Dirty Banana. Yes I'm aware of the other meaning of that, but I'm trying to keep my blog PG rated for my family's sake. LOL. hee hee.
woo hoo! Bikini's and beaches and warm weather - OH MY!
See you turkey's later! gobble gobble (oh wait! that's next month).
um - BOO! see you later Halloween-gators!

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