Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend Update - this is Abbie Lane filling in for Amy Poehler. Just kidding.

Weekend Update - this is Abbie Lane filling in for Amy Poehler. Just kidding.
Thursday - worked all day, crappy day at work, then Aunt Susan & Uncle Tom met us for Dinner at Carrabba's and we caught up on family news. There are 2 weddings coming up in October in Florida. WOO HOO!
Unfortunately, Matt and I are going on a cruise and will miss them both. Bummer. But at least we are missing them due to a cruise, not work or something boring. YAY!
Friday was a spontaneous adventure. Driving home after work's worst week ever (I do not believe I'm exaggerating here), my stressed out-self resolved to meet the hubby at Tijuana Joe's for a nip of something potent and a bite of chips and salsa/queso.
To my pleasant surprise, my dear friend Kat was there with the rest of the RBS crew. Girl-talk commenced, and then an invitation to join them for dinner at Rumi's Kitchen - a delightful Persian restaurant. We dined on some fabulous food (Rumi's Dip, Roasted Salmon, Jekyl Wine) - oh it was divine!
Then home to hang out with my sweetie pie!
Saturday AM - I was oncall, and work woke me up with a page at 8:50am. arggg!!!! but it was all right by 9:30am. sigh.
Matt got a nice massage from our fave massage therapist, and then we went to the mall. Matt wanted to get an iPhone, but the line was insane. We went to Home Depot instead to get a present for a friend's Birthday.
Then the Birthday Party was AWESOME!
This party had grandparents, parents, singles, kids, and babies, and EVERYBODY got along and had a blast. Yes there was alcohol at the party, but that wasn't the reason. It was just that magical kind of day where the sun shines down and everybody is in a good mood.
Somehow, quite by accident, I was the one who made the crying babies or kiddies start laughing again. My babysitter instincts kicked in and it was so much fun. Oh yeah and although I didn't drink one (I'm low-carbing it), I learned how to make a Mojito in a hurry (they make theirs with spiced dark rum, ginger ale, lime juice, and mint), very very tasty supposedly.
I had to leave the party early (8pm), the kids begged me to stay but I couldn't. Since it was my week to work the Sunday Maintenance Window, and as fate would have it, it was FOUR hour window. I woke up at 1:30am with a nasty headache from the party (no not hangover headache, more like a back-out-of-alignment-from-lifting-50lb kids all night headeache). I suffered through until about 6:30am then I got back to sleep until 10:30am.
On the upside, I DID get some homework done for a project, and fixed that stupid Denon UD-m50 CD player that was stuck. I figured out that I was the one who broke it by putting 2 cd's into a 1cd slot I fixed it, tested it, then put it back together, and plugged it in to all the speakers/wires. then it decided not to work. So I took it apart again, then it worked. I put the cover back on, it was broken. I loosened the last 2 screws and WHAT THE HECK - it worked. I'll be darned why 2 loose screws a good cdplayer makes, but yippee!
Sunday - we stayed home while I tried to recover from the night before, and then we did a small photoshoot for a project, and then went to bed very early.

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